Graphic Cards Are you guys using your GPUs to mine?

Just checked a sale thread for GPU and thought what happened with Eip 1559? did the profit dip as people were expecting
Just checked a sale thread for GPU and thought what happened with Eip 1559? did the profit dip as people were expecting
Dropped by 15 to 20% i read somewhere
Just checked a sale thread for GPU and thought what happened with Eip 1559? did the profit dip as people were expecting
Profits are better since 4th of August lol. I mine using my gpu when not gaming, so can tell. I know this profit increase is not because of Eip 1559 but because of bitcoin price increase, but see the irony.
We have to wait for the bloody POS merge. People will definitely start dumping their cards a month before it happens.
We have to wait for the bloody POS merge. People will definitely start dumping their cards a month before it happens.
Alt coin mining has started and have heard and seen online videos of people mining other coins on even LHR cards now lol. This ain't going anywhere until there is a bear market as a whole in the crypto industry [emoji14]
Yeah people are slowing mining other coins I guess, but I don't think it'll be as profitable as Eth is in the short term. Hope it won't be until late next year. IF the merge happens in early 2022 and is not delayed infinitely again, the prices should come down.
If you think the crypto bubble is about to burst then I’d say it’s a big fat no, but yes the mining bubble should end by the end of this year.
If you think the crypto bubble is about to burst then I’d say it’s a big fat no, but yes the mining bubble should end by the end of this year.
Do you have a source or just a guestimate? I want a 3080 at msrp but the way things are I might be better off waiting for 4080.
Except the limited FE cards, don’t think anything else will come down to the MSRP, until the shortage is over atleast and every chip manufacture and silicon company is estimating it’ll last till Q2/Q3 2022, but I think cards will come close enough to the MSRP and normalise there for a while, where people who have been waiting won’t wait anymore, so 4080 should come in Q4 2022 in India and buying that I think in mid 2023 when the hype would have died down a little would be the best option but I don’t NVIDIA would release the card at as good as price they did for the 3080.
Except the limited FE cards, don’t think anything else will come down to the MSRP,
If crypto crashes tomorrow prices will be back to normal within a month. GPUs are wide available now, atleast in India, and the only thing holding the price up is the fact that mining is still profitable even on lhr cards.
If crypto crashes tomorrow prices will be back to normal within a month. GPUs are wide available now, atleast in India, and the only thing holding the price up is the fact that mining is still profitable even on lhr cards.
That’s the problem, the big “if” you have included is not going to happen
That’s the problem, the big “if” you have included is not going to happen
That's why I was asking for the source of you comment on crypto bubble bursting by the year end/
They’re rumours that NVIDA is also going to launch some “super” series cards too
Yeah I heard those too, but I wonder where they will fit them given how close 3060ti,3070 and 3070ti are in terms of performance.