News Assassin’s Creed Shadows reviews are dropping in...

I watched little bit of it and I don't like it, I'd still play the original AC1 over this.

If you watch the animations of climbing walls and in character general movement of AC1 it clear matches with real life, it's is slow like how a real human would do it. In these new games the movement is too fast, breaks the illusion, of like you yourself is climbing the wall.

In new games climbing to the top is not as satisfying, it's too fluid, lacking any style. Not rewarding as the original, because original has elements of struggle, like being slow, it takes time to make certain moves, unlike the new games where everything feels static.
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My only hope with Ubisoft is the Anno dev team, I really hope they dont rush out pax romana and let the team actually cook, its the probably the only ubi series right now that has consistently done well with devs going above and beyond with supporting each game. I know I said I wont be getting a denuvo game again but if pax romana is anywhere near as good as 1800, It'll be a day one buy for me. I have like 5-6k hours in Anno 1800 right now
I am really astounded why Ubisoft brought a black negro as an playable character into Japanese culture based game because there samurais are all japanese or chinese maybe.
If Ubisoft made an AC India then made a black guy it's perfectly suitable.
Now it's like insulting Japanese samurai culture I think.
I don't know whether women were there as Samurai in Japan but it's odd to bring this theme.
I was always expecting AC India but they AC Japan inspite of many who worked for AC Shadows are Indians.
I am also proud to say that finally a major game studio included so many young Indians as developers or coders into such a game.
They should have changed the colors for God sake.
A thin japanese man is more suited or a bit bulky muscular man as a samurai is suited right and ne isn't a negro. This stands out for those who are white supremacy fellows and when the studio is in trouble they should have done something that suits the culture and the theme that will bring more money which will ultimately benefit the studio right.
I think anyone can play it once and can be bought when it comes for a discount. Not worth putting 5k for this new game.
AC Blackflag is something that brought a new theme that is sailing the seas and upgrading the ship.
Even the sea shanties in AC Blackflag is awesome. They are like lullabies to us gamers.
Anyways Old AC games are always gold.