Official spec. details revealed, Unity requirement quite same as Watch Dog but its gonna take 50 GB space :wth:
Developer claims that it's 3 times larger than AC4, so i think that explains about size.
That's pure horseshit. Do you know how large Skyrim is? Do you know how much install space it takes? Ubisoft is shoveling horseshit to people.
Anvil Next engine is way way better than Bethesda engine, so comparing to it is totally wrong.
I agree, but the comparison was to game size and the amount of textures that the engine handles. Skyrim is massive and it was a 5 GB download on day one; one-tenth of what this game is supposed to be. The comparison is world size vs world size.
I am not arguing with you just putting my views. There is NO next gen for pc gamers (or any gamers). Idiots have invented it for idiots to increase sales its a stupid meaningless business term. Infact for pc gamers the next gen started long back after the release of just cause 2. Increase in size does not means next gen. Improve in quality means, which is very less . Visually every game looks at least 40% better than any consoles if seen from a certain distance. skyrim with mods looks around 70% better than AC unity without the mod too it looks quite similar to it.Therefore no game is really a next gen. Oculus rift might be called as a next gen if you want however that is also debatable.Again comparison is wrong,
but its hard to say that it's not even qualify to next gen graphics and Anvil uses next new technology for every new
I am not arguing with you just putting my views. There is NO next gen for pc gamers (or any gamers). Idiots have invented it for idiots to increase sales its a stupid meaningless business term. Infact for pc gamers the next gen started long back after the release of just cause 2. Increase in size does not means next gen. Improve in quality means which is very less . Visually every game looks at least 40% better than any consoles if seen from a certain distance. skyrim with mods looks around 70% better than AC unity without the mod too it looks quite similar to it.Therefore no game is really a next gen. Oculus rift might be called as a next gen if you want however that is also debatable.
I got what you want to say. No offence again but do you think I was oblivious of these things & made that up? Well no. I know what I have mentioned & that conclusion of mine was based after a lot of experience (mostly) & of course reading too.I always don't believe in what I read. Thus don't worry I can find out which is a rumor & how much truth is there in that rumor. I kept it short so that anybody with any type of knowledge or similar experiences (after a little thinking ) can easily understand what it means & I stand by my point. Sorry by quality I meant overall quality of some games which is not limited to visuals only.(my first post in this page)Do you think Next-gen graphics/gaming is made up?? I mean wow this is really offending, who worked so hard to many hours and years in gaming industry to achieve new technology’s in gaming and it has truly changed gaming experience for users and lots of money they’ve spent in this projects and many people in country who helped them to create this technology by Investing and donating money...................................................................