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Guys i need help regarding Asterisk.
1.What is asterisk?(In brief please........) I googled a lot but couldnt come to any conclusion:(
2.Can we use it to make Free PC TO PHONE calls?
3.How much initial expenditure is required to set it up?
4.Is it: a)Easy
c)Difficult or
d)Very Very Difficult to set it up?
shashank_re said:
^^Dude iam talking about Asterisk NOT Asterix!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone please answer in brief to my questions....

Touchy -

Your Qs seems to have been answered in the very first post itself.
OK.Just forget about all these.........

And Just tell me whether it is possible to make free PC to Phone calls or not.

Just Yes or NO
yes, if the phone is in your own house :P

its the equivalent of a router for phones. you can use it to connect phones within your house / office, and connect them to PSTN.
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