Why does shipping cost double if the shipment value is less?


Staff member
So I was trying out shipment calculator and to my surprise the shipping charges doubled when I selected the shipment value to be less than 1000 rupees.

Why would this happen? If the shipping cost has to vary, it should go up for a high value shipment. Isn't it?
So I was trying out shipment calculator and to my surprise the shipping charges doubled when I selected the shipment value to be less than 1000 rupees.

Why would this happen? If the shipping cost has to vary, it should go up for a high value shipment. Isn't it?
  1. Depend on product category
  2. Some time charges varies as per area/city/distance & service availability
  3. may be your shipment value/weight fall under minimum charges category
  4. With increase weight, charges keep reducing Per K.g.
I was trying on shiprocket calculator, shipment weight was 0.5 KG or 1KG. It did not vary based on that. But for the shipment value it varied. Tried different combinations of pin codes to check but seemed to vary only on some combinations.