CPU/Mobo Asus A8NE - Chip fan dying

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My chip fan on the A8NE has started giving me trouble
it gets stuck sometimes & then if i move it manually with a Brush it moves -- thought the RPM:s are considerably as low as 1500 as against 6-7000 normally

the mobo temperature is fine at 29-30 degrees Idle

I have read many complaints abt it recently -- can u guyz here plz tell me a Possible solution before it actually dies really & creates a problem

Im in delhi so pls let me know if there is a quick solution available Locally

Is the board marketed by Rashi Peripherals ? If so, contact them and they will change it for free. That was what happened with my board. Go to www.rptechindia.com and use the Contact Us link and ask where u've to go to get it replaced. Mind u. All this only if the board has the ashi Peripherals sticker on top or on the sides has the Marketed By Rashi on the price slip.
the replacement will take too much time & i dont afford a Downtime at all
The big thing is that even if they replace it -- the newer motherboard's Fan will also start troubling after sometime
so im looking for some good remedy rather than a mobo;'s replacement
you can get it replaced at the asus service center...

there were quite a few guys who took thier mobo`s to the service center with the same problem and they all got replacement fans within 2 days..

i too have to go there again to replace my chipset fan..

the problem with the replacement with rashi and with the service center is that the fan is of the same size and same defect! so you`d have to take it again to the service center for replacement! which sucks!

anyways i`ll go in december and give em my mobo b4 going to goa.. ..
The new HSF is wayyyyyyyyyyyy better than the old one. Mine has been running without any issues after the replacement. I got it replaced in 2 hrs. Why should it take u 2 days ? I mailed Rashi first, got a reply from an Assistant Manager who also sent a mail to the service center here in Chennai and gave me their contact number. I called them, went the next day and got it replaced.
^ I guess chic_magnet never got the newer Chipset fan . Perhaps you should make sure you get the newer version, else there's no point replacing it !
or remove the fan sticker and out in a verrrryyy small drop of vegetable oil...replace the sticker..

i do that to all my fans..runs quieter after oiling, even though they were fine :P
^ Oil has a tendency to attract a lot of dust ! Oil like vegetable oil in my experience is pretty "thick" so as to say. All in all it might start clogging/gumming up the bearings within some time.
umm...i use sunflower oil..not as thick as auto oils...use a verrry small amount..in that case, dust wont be a prob
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