CPU/Mobo Asus R&D team visiting Chennai - Requesting feedback

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The L33t Admeen
I was informed that Asus R&D team members are coming to chennai on 26th May i.e coming Wednesday. They have invited the TE members to have a discussion about their products, etc.. So anyone interested to meet up in the evening for dinner ?

I'll confirm the venue, timing and other details tomorrow or on saturday.

Meanwhile, i want the members to put in all the possible feedback on their products so that i can pass it on to them.

Even if you all have any issues with their support, do post it here. This will be a good chance to inform them the same.

I would say bring laptops with better A.S.S. and if possible try to provide direct warranty and would be great if we can skip Rashi from between.
Have many incidents with Rashi over Asus Mobo, so have stopped buying and even suggesting asus products to anyone. Just due to Rashi....
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yes, There must be more new service providers rather than Rashi, Rashi is not 100% equipped to handle all RMA issues related to Asus.Also they are rejecting post warranty paid support for many Asus premium products too.They have many distribution products on thier fleet and many service staffs attends multi brand products !!!!

if there is no new service agent for Asus with good quality backups ,soon asus losing repution will again fall !!

also there must take some steps to solve repeated problems for RMAed Asus products !!!.
Would do them a lot good if they operated in India directly, rather than through Rashi. They do have enough enough market share to justify such an investment.

Also, they always launch their enthusiast-segment laptops nearly after its lifespan is finished. Several ROG laptops that are listed on their global website are not listed Indian website and unavailable with the local resellers too.
1. Better customer support through a better channel.

2. Prices matching their competitor such as Gigabyte.

3. Introduce ROG laptops in Indian market.

4. International warranty for graphics cards and motherboards? Or that's a bit too much.

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1) Better Support & RMA with Main ASUS tracking the support requests.taking appropriate measures to so unresolved requests are escalated to right person and get solved.

2) Kick Rashi: they suck

3) Completive pricing with market peers
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^^ I dont think they will ditch thier 10 yr old partnership with Rashi.

It will be a better idea to tell them to open Asus Relationship Centres like the one which opened last year in Bangalore. Anyone can walk in their directly and interact directly with Asus technicians. So just that they need to provide direct warranty and not via 3rd party Rashi !

2nd point is getting Asus UL series laptops ! Show them what acer did to laptops in India....why are they so laggard ?

They should have better control on pricing in India like Intel, AMD , Seagate, WD and not leave it to distris like Rashi
even i am not happy with rashi due to worst service cause they refused to replacement my asus m2n-e board and only for repair

that why i need 2 service for asus soon if they dont do then ignore it otherwise we can go another brand for more reliable warranty service :)

p.s i am not sure if i am plan to meeting the asus guys soon :|
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Like every1 else, 2 problems plaguing Asus is both related to Rashi,

1) Enthusiast Level boards are priced very high in India.

2) Rashi support/RMA is pathetic at best. And either service should be handled directly by Asus or a new contract be made with some other service provider.......
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Apart from the RMA issue, They must bring all the laptops they release in US within a month or so. Otherwise, they are loosing a huge consumer base. :no:
try to train Asus Rashi technicians at best, thier RMA testing methods are worst!!!thats why repeated problems for RMAed products !!! (yes its true)
They are repairing asus mobos with metal wrist watches on one hand and metal rings on another hand !!!.They even dont consider basic "ESD" precautions.
dont consider to repair all asus products by just sending them service guides or something else, formally train them.

make a open end user survey by Asus directly so that ausu india team can confirm above findings !!!
They need to improve their RMA servicies here.

Asus is loosing market share because even dealers are now tired of Rashi and its tricks so they dont recommend Asus.

Get that bit sorted and things will start looking up again.

Why not start a dedicated Asus service center or something in all the major metro's.

They need to understand that People are angry , The Dealers are angry, and so are all the people waiting for months for a RMA from Rashi. Just about everyone conected to Rashi is angry.

Nothing good is going to come out of this until something is done with regards to Rashi and its RMA policies to alleviate our concerns.

Just my 2 cents.

Cheers guys !
I was expecting Rashi bashing in this thread and i have already mailed the link to my contact at Asus. Let us see how it goes.

Meanwhile is there any technical feedback, like how are the quality of their products (also compared to their competitors), the failure rate, any improvements, etc...

I am a bit outdated at the current scenario, got lots of things to catch up.
Ask them to sort out their laptop naming scheme. Laptop names are just mess :P. Also, in India they have great opportunity in laptop market because it is neglected by others. Just see how well MSI seems to be doing.

Ask them for better prices (that means prices similar to international prices) and not jacked up sh*t just because it's India.

Ask them to launch ASUS U30Jc asap at decent prices (around 45K given the fact that in US price is around $800) in India. It's a winner lappie in 13" market. Ask them to learn from MSI, Samsung and Dell as far as laptop prices are concerned.

Ask them to go for a kill and slay Apple's overpriced McBooks. Windows 7 has already negated a lot of advantage that Apple held with its OS X. What we now need in PC market, are solidly built lappies (U30Jc comes very close with its Aluminium body), great screen (U30Jc falls short) and good trackpad (U30Jc falls short) that is at least half as good as Apple's glass touchpad. Asus has a great chance in personal laptop market. But they need to compete with Apple and not Lenovo or Sony to smash their way up.

Tell them to take Indian computer hardware market seriously. It has changed a lot. It's not like the past when Asus had virtual monopoly in motherboard market. Gigabyte is making all the efforts it can and in last couple of years has made serious inroads in motherboard market. (good for us consumers)
My P5Q-E was sent for RMA.. it came back with pin damage and a non working PCI-E port. I returned it and its still being processed 2 weeks later. If anyones listening , put an end to the atrocities inflicted on customers by Rashi RMA.
Asus has done very well when it comes to innovation and as such is quite a solid brand , its Rashi in India is whats f*kin up Asus' name. there might be very few others that would come up with quality products offering yet so many features.

Id doubt theyd come up with a replacement for rashi , what they need to have is some sort of escalation matrix or support mechanism where people can voice their issues or raise much pending cases with Rashi for some support , being totally isolated and at the mercy of Rashi is just not worth buying an Asus product if you ask me.

I for one have been using Asus mobos for like 6 yrs now and i think its finally time to change to a different brand now that im assembling a new rig , simply for the fact that i dont have the time and bandwidth to do all the running around for the RMA, yes people out here are SO fedup with the RMA nonsense , they wont buy your product just because of that.

I ve done so many RMAs i now know some big junkies in the management of Asus Mumbai but still afte putting pressure there it takes 1.5 months to sort the mess , ask them to call me incase they want detailed scenarios , i may have done more RMAes than most people and all are ASUS mobos.

If they need to succeed , they need to learn SOMETHING from Dell , value your customer , it is because of him that you are here.
hehe, got a reply from Asus after sending them this thread's link

As discussed, the R&D team would like to get feedbacks on quality, performance, specific India based requirements in board, and what are areas to improve.

As would know service is entirely different area and I would be glad to help arrange atleast an online forum or a chat for your TE members to get their feedbacks on service.
Have been a Gigabyte owner for a while thanks to Asus being Rashi exclusive. But a while back(Intel P35 era) there were several complaints about how their mid-range boards had pathetic BIOS as compared to competition, maybe someone could confirm if that is still the case?
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