CPU/Mobo Asus R&D team visiting Chennai - Requesting feedback

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Asus products have always been reliable but people look for alternatives just to avoid making their life miserable by RASHI :no:
As discussed, the R&D team would like to get feedbacks on quality, performance, specific India based requirements in board, and what are areas to improve.

Excluding RMA service, the following are the requirements are unique to Indian Market.All product by asus should designed keeping the above in mind.

1) No Clean power, Contant Voltage flickering in most areas. I have lost many eletronics products due to this. so it would be good if all asus products have some kind of inbuilt protection against power surges, whereever feasible .

2) Extreme Temperature and Dusty Climate: Here in Rajasthan, we have temperate peeking 45C right now. whereas in winter temps go down to 7-10C. same would be in other parts of india as well.Before Launching, Please do extensive testing so see if the product can withstand such climate.

3) Price: Indians are price sensitive. this is most important factor. if you price too much, it won't sell. if you do cost-cutting by removing features, then also it won't sell. perhaps better idea would be doing a market study of competitors & their respective offerings.then after pricing your product competitive. We need maximum Value from our hard-earned money.

If you give us Quality products which are priced sensibly with good after sales support. I am buying asus for sure :)
Rethink Asus team, else you are going to loose some thing !! How much money you got from India by selling Asus products w/o providing any proper supprt, both in warranty & out warranty products .Also getting more money from some premium asus products/models too.
as gaurish said, we would like some degree of spikes and other voltage handling in motherboards, I had an A7N8x which would just restart at the slightest hint of a voltage problem ( despite it being run off a UPS). In one case, i was running my system on the college UPS, and there was a small spike. Only my system restarted.

Longevity. Unlike other places where people throw out the stuff every 3 years, we would like to have our PC's running for a long while. I have old intel 486 and celeron and pIII boards which are still running, but all my asus boards died a little while after their 3 year warranties ended. Some of us might like features and options in motherboards, but the average uncle wants a computer that will last for at least 5~7 years. Hence due to this, "genuine intel" boards sell a lot more than asus. Even in my case, once I upgrade, I dont discard my hardware. there is usually a school or poor family around here which could use a PC. I would not want to pass them something which might die a few months later.

humidity and dust. if something could be done to make the boards more tolerant, great!

A large number of failures happen to lightning & overvoltage. It would be nice if the design could be such that the failure is limited to the ethernet chip/the voltage regulators.

For the love of god, please have some decent alternatives to the crap crab chips you use in all your motherboards. We understand that the realtek chips are cheaper, but an AD/Sigmatel onboard is a vast improvement, and would like them in at least one or two of your midrange/premium models. If you put them in your low end offerings, that alone could be a USP

and as everyone else said, improve your crappy service. I had been buying asus for a long time (~7 years) but after i got my last motherboard as DOA, and the two I got instead also had problems ( semi functional audio, semi functional LAN), I had enough.

Now I buy gigabyte. No amount of innovation & product quality can substitute for quality service :|
Their boards seem to bend with tower heatsinks and although all boards may to some extent, Asus' boards bend a little more. :P

I had a P5K Deluxe 2 years back and with a TRU120, it bent like crazy whereas the abit board I had did not. So this seems to be an issue with their board quality.
1. Kick Rashi or Do what supra said

2. Entry level boards are having high failure rates .

3. We want a good range of laptops in INDIA (if not complete) . The better models are not available in India .

4. High-End boards are sold at a price premium

5. ASUS Displays are not easily available (afaik the display distribution is handled by neoterique)

Get a printout of this thread , frame it and present it to them.( Plz PM the mod to do that :D)
R & D team from Taiwan HQ? I had only bought few products of Asus. Recent was AM3 board - M4A78STD-V-EVO. A wonderful board with good features. I never went to rashi for RMA. My friend saying Rashi providing poor rma service. Kick out those asses there.

They are looking only into sales of their products distributed but hell after sales and rma service.
Yep it did. Passed on all the suggestion from this thread. About the service, i also met the service head Rashi and as expected he was very defensive of the service. He mentioned that major cities have swap facilities for most of the products. Don't know how far it is true. They were interested to check out this thread personally, so will be passing on this link to the technical and service heads who were present that day.
Saiyan said:
He mentioned that major cities have swap facilities for most of the products. Don't know how far it is true.
I can confirm that its not, their service personnel try everything possible to rule out an RMA even when the reason is proper and well within the terms and conditions of the manufacturer. Also they took over a month to replace my gpu since they had to send it to Mumbai. ~_~
Saiyan said:
Yep it did. Passed on all the suggestion from this thread. About the service, i also met the service head Rashi and as expected he was very defensive of the service. He mentioned that major cities have swap facilities for most of the products. Don't know how far it is true. They were interested to check out this thread personally, so will be passing on this link to the technical and service heads who were present that day.
i have a pending Logitech Mx518 RMA for the past 2months . it was only after 2 months they told me it is not available in stock and they will provide a credit note
tell that Rashi Head , he is very wrongly mistaken , in fact if they have a SINGLE item in swap , that would be admirable , he is living in some fantasy land , ive been using the higher end asus mobos costing 15k+ , each time its taken me more than a month to get the issue sorted that too getting ASUS folks from the head office in Andheri involved , if such is the state in metros i only pity the condition in other cities. Ask him the following or if he reads this thread , more the better

Does Rashi

1. Know how to treat customers while processing RMA?

2. Know how to test motherboards ?

3. Know what is a stress test and how you test each functionality of the equipment ?

4. Have variety of equipment to test high end motherboards ? ( celeron with 512mb value ram is all they use)

5. Have some sort of escalation matrix incase the RMA is not processed within a given TAT ?

6. Ever listen to what the customer have to say about the issue and not always follow the im always right option and that customer is dumb.

7. Train their engineers to actually work on motherboards and equipment ?

8. Have any sort of quality control on their refurbished motherboards ?( 90% of them come dead or with some issue whatsoever )

Thers more , but i think this should be enough for now , if the head is still defensive about Rashi , i have more , ask him to contact me or any other troubled member on the forum here.
Saiyan said:
Yep it did. Passed on all the suggestion from this thread. About the service, i also met the service head Rashi and as expected he was very defensive of the service. He mentioned that major cities have swap facilities for most of the products. Don't know how far it is true. They were interested to check out this thread personally, so will be passing on this link to the technical and service heads who were present that day.
Sorry for bumping up this old thread.

Will you guys please post links to all threads related to Rashi rma issues.

One may post links from any Indian forum but please group threads from one forum together and then group them in a quote box with the name of the forum at the top.

Please try to list them in a chronological order.

Please provide a title before every link, containing the month+year of the issue, the brand, the product name and the key issue in 4-5 words.

If someone has more links to add, please copy paste the older box for the resp. forum and repost the same with your links added to it within that box, so that it stays updated and in an orderly fashon too.
That will ensure one doesn't have to go through the entire thread to collect the entire information available to us..


(1) June 2006, ASUS, A8NE, 3 months for rma
< LINK >

(2) Dec 2006, XFX, 7600GT, rma denied OR low-end card offered OR huge delay
< LINK >

(3) Feb 2007, ASUS A8N-SLI, faulty even after 2 months in rma
< LINK >

Please try and post only genuine issues and not ones where rma was denied for burnt/physically damaged products where end-user was at fault, whether by mistake or not.
Whether end-user was at fault or not is something ony he/she can judge honestly and try and be truthful while reporting.

Please extend your full support for the well-being of the entire tech-community in India.
Hoping that we all can achieve something posiive out of this. :)
p.s. Mods may move this to a new thread or any other, as they deem fit.
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