Laptops Asus S96J Laptop availability in Kolkata?

Hey, if you want I can send ya contact details for the Mumbai dealer, maybe he can hook you up with a fellow dealer/distributor in Kolkata?

Let me know!
Unrealistic said:
Hey, if you want I can send ya contact details for the Mumbai dealer, maybe he can hook you up with a fellow dealer/distributor in Kolkata?

Let me know!

yes please do that :)
hey udit.. i got it frm cal .. asus s96j

contact person..-Mr. pradeep biyani

Suntronic systems,

10,bentick street gandhi house, ground floor,cal-1
033 22137434/35/36

033 22137435

thanks a lot guys

i had got confused my sisters friend stays in Mumbai so Unrealistic's Contact helped a lot & i needed the Kolkata contact too so thanks to hummer too

repped you both :D
I am looking for a gaming laptop under 60k.
The ones i shortlisted
dell 6400
hp dv6137
asus s96j :)

I am desperately search for an s96j dealer in mumbai , any contacts in mumbai / pune ?
Call the number given below for the Asus S96J Laptop in Mumbai

Mr. Nikit @9322271321

Thanks to Unrealistic
hey any chance of Asus G1 in India...As usual my sister has postponed her trip...I want this laptop neverthless...
guys, Asus F3JC model Ap168 , C2D 1.8Ghz, 15.4", 160GB HDD, DVDRW+, wifi, bluetooth, yellow teeth, blah blah blah for around 80k........ check raashi website for details. daaamn.