Graphic Cards Ati 1900xtx


Hi guyz, I bought an Ati graphic card, and played fear extraction point, however when i put my settings to high it gets laggy.

PC Specs:
Intel Dual Core 3.0
MB MSI 975x Platinum
1gig ram kingston twin
250gig HDD 7500rpm
resolution set to 1400x900

Do i need to upgrade any of my current hardware to have a nice graphice and what do u recommend i change it to.
Laggy ?? U mean low fps .. or sudden stuttering ?? the second is definitely because of the low RAM .. , the first can have multiple reasons , primarily could be due to drivers or the PSU ...
Hi guyz thanx for the replies.Yea when i play it i get choppy when turning i guess its low fps. Any recommendation for a healthy new intel processor in the core duo category. I guess my ram needs another 1 gig but i was wondering if the main reason was because of my cpu or my ram?

Hmm badly coded ?? runs fine here ..

Anyway .. i really don't like people saying every CPU bad now that conroe's are out .. i mean , duh !!! plz ..!!! enough already ...

Anyway .. ur CPU seems fine .. though maybe not upto the level u thought they were , u can easily oc them to 3.6 GHz on air ...

Get some good 2 GB ram , that'd do the trick ...
my settings are set to normal. and its not to pretty with jaggered edges with aa 2x. anything higher that that i get a 2 second matrix moment when turning. Everyone knows in FPS 2 second is live & death . lol

Thanx for the reply chaos
hi deathvirus_me, I guess you rite about the OC. never really tried it coz im afraid it might overhead. do i need to get an air cooler/liquid cooler or should i just tweak the stock fan to a higher rpm. thanx
@viperbooze: go and get another gig of RAM to be able to play properly at 1400x900.

Also try oc'ing ur proccy.

Fear ext. pt. runs fine on my rig at 1024 maxed out without soft shadows. I got 2 gigs of ram, 7600gt and 3200 venice
To run FEAR flawlessly well at all maxed, you need Multi-GPU solution. Or else turn down the Physics down to minimum and almost all settings at medium.
Run at 1280x960, 4xAA 16xAF, everything maxed(including stuff in advanced computer settings), soft shadows off, pixel doubling off, dx8 shaders off. I get an average of 79fps at that setting.
Chaos said:
^^What settings are you playing at? That game is pretty badly coded.

thexfactor said:
yeah ... have read lots of reports of x1900xtx stuttering ;) ... maybe the game is badly coded as Chaos said :)

I absolutely agree that its a badly coded game. The game concept is very good, but it seems that monolith released it before it was actually ready. The game engine is not that well optimized and probably one of the very few games which is bottlenecked by CPU, GPU and RAM severely. In your case the RAM is the culprit.

If you are asking whether you have to upgrade your proccy to play this game properly, then heck no. Just get another gig of RAM and you should be good to go for some time atleast.

Personally I am playing most of the new games (Call of Juarez, Oblivion, Company of Heros etc) on my 1900XT at 1680 x 1050 resolution with just 1 gig RAM. Oblivion and Call of Juarez have very good framerates, But Company of Heros seems to be Memory bottlenecked to some extent. at 1680 x 1050 resolution with Ultra high quality and No AA, I am barely getting 33 fps avg. COH seems like another classic example of a game released before its ready and fully optimized. I would still have to agree that its one hell of a engine for use in an RTS.
^^COH is okay... it needs 2gigs thats all. Extraction Point is not made by monolith. Its by TimeGate studios which probably explains why it has poor performance compared to FEAR. I had horrid issues with Juarez... fps dropped into the teens at times :|.
Hi guyz im back here are the results, btw after following your settings chaos i see a dramatic improve in graphic quality. however i got a

min FPS :28



Thanx for the info lord_nemesis regarding my ram, ill defenetly get another twin set. Byw may i know what does proccy means? not good wit the lingo
