Graphic Cards ATi Catalyst 9.3 WHQL out

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ATI Catalystâ„¢ 9.3 Folding@Home performance enhancements

Using ATI Streamâ„¢ technology, owners of the ATI Radeonâ„¢ HD 4000 Series, ATI

Radeonâ„¢ HD 3000 Series, and ATI Radeonâ„¢ HD 2000 Series of graphics

accelerators will see a performance boost in their Folding@Home scores when

running the latest Folding@Home client and upcoming cores in conjunction with

ATI Catalystâ„¢ 9.3

Performance Improvements

Catalystâ„¢ 9.3 brings performance benefits in several cases where framerates are CPUlimited.

Some measured examples are:

Lost Planet: Colonies gains up to 20% on 4800 series products, and up to 50% on

4600, 4500 and 4300 series products

Catalystâ„¢ Crew Driver Feedback

This driver release incorporates suggestions received through the Catalystâ„¢ CREW

Driver Feedback program. To provide us with your feedback, visit Catalystâ„¢ Crew

Driver Feedback.


-Windows XP 32bit

-Windows XP 64bit

-Windows Vista 32bit

-Windows Vista 64bit

-Windows 7 32bit

Besides the driver itself the Catalyst 9.3 package also contains an updated version of the Catalyst Control Center (CCC), the 64 Bit Avivo decoder and new HDMI sound drivers. The Catalyst 9.3 has the internal number 8.591 and compared to the Catalyst 9.2 the Direct3D part has apparently been updated.

Read Review

Catalyst 9.3 display driver: Conclusion

The Catalyst 9.3 display driver isn't really faster than it fast predecessor, but didn't cause in trouble during our tests - so updating from 9.2 to 9.3 isn't really necessary. But if you just bought a Radeon card or reinstall your system you should use the Catalyst 9.3 of course.
Why on earth do ATI always keep posting about Lost Planet's performance increase in almost all their driver release notes? Is Capcom paying them to do so? :S
SidhuPunjab said:
Besides the driver itself the Catalyst 9.3 package also contains an updated version of the Catalyst Control Center (CCC), the 64 Bit Avivo decoder and new HDMI sound drivers
that's the part that interests me considering the CPU usage those stupid drivers have been causing.. Hopefully i don't need to keep it disabled anymore.. :)
My Avivo issue isn't fixed yet. I think last resort it OS re-install.

That aside, so far the drivers seem pretty good. I'm beginning to believe that my Avivo issue is something other than drivers. Game performance issues in POP4 from 9.1 seem to be fixed.
john117 said:
^^err then wat is crysis .. a 8bit sidescroller ..

lol:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: dont say that..90% of TE guy will get a heart break after spending their hard earned $$$ to play the "crysis-8bit sidescroller "
nothing new as usual crap drivers and ati maintaining there repo of releasing useless drivers.NO boost in performance in any game at all i tested infact perfo gets lowered in some cases.hell u fcukof* ATI.
Dunno about the performance of the drivers in games, but AVIVO convertor still sucks. Converting aXXos to Iphone H.264, the resulting quality is pathetic no matter what settings I choose. Agreed that its much faster than Total Video Convertor. But resulting video quality of TVC, AVIVO ki baap hai.
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