Graphic Cards ATI or NVIDIA

buy any which is cheaper for you..

You are on a verge of trolling as in your last thread almost all the info was posted with links etc...
This is an VERY VERY OLD battle ........

something is better some are worst ... lolz ..

I am using ATI it is also a good GFX card :) but nw i am swithcing on to 8600GT heard loads of reviews frm the TE team ....

lukz prty interesting ... id say go for NVIDIA
Here you go again:

X-bit labs - DirectX 10 Games vs. Contemporary Graphics Accelerators

There is no clear winner, some games 2600XT is faster, others 8600GT is faster, but the ATI cards performance have improved significantly with the new drivers...

Edit: at present it looks 2600XT holds a marginal lead in DX 10 games, but remember DX 9 games is another story with AA enabled. Also game developers look for max systems supporting their games, and as PS3 and WinXP systems are stuck with DX 9, dx 10 games will be far and between. Hence choose whatever card is cheaper, btw ATI cards have a better UVD for video acceleration, hence I would be a lil biased towards 2600XT if it can be obtained at the same price..
1 more thing....whoever has invested in a dx10 card....are they runnin vista onm their machines???? coz dx10 wud b only useful if ur runnin vista rite??
Aces170 said:
Here you go again:

X-bit labs - DirectX 10 Games vs. Contemporary Graphics Accelerators

There is no clear winner, some games 2600XT is faster, others 8600GT is faster, but the ATI cards performance have improved significantly with the new drivers...

Edit: at present it looks 2600XT holds a marginal lead in DX 10 games, but remember DX 9 games is another story with AA enabled. Also game developers look for max systems supporting their games, and as PS3 and WinXP systems are stuck with DX 9, dx 10 games will be far and between. Hence choose whatever card is cheaper, btw ATI cards have a better UVD for video acceleration, hence I would be a lil biased towards 2600XT if it can be obtained at the same price..

hence i got the X1600 Pro for AVIVO
With the past xpz of using the Radeon 9800, nVidia5900, nVidia 6800GT, 7900GT and now the 8800GTX...

I suggest u get the nVidia chip...

Better drivers updated freq... I've had enuf with the Ati...
gannu_rox said:
With the past xpz of using the Radeon 9800, nVidia5900, nVidia 6800GT, 7900GT and now the 8800GTX...

I suggest u get the nVidia chip...

Better drivers updated freq... I've had enuf with the Ati...

Thats not totally true....i was earlier using an x800xl...worked perfectly...went in for the 8800gts with similar sentiments and now i go to see that the nvidia drivers for the same are half-assed to say the least. Disappointing indeed!
i hope 8600 gt is better than ati with some games performance beat

but ati has few game performance :p

ati has many drivers issue :S

nvidia is less crash and gud performance or wait for g92 main stream card

cheek for many review about ati vs nvidia

ati suck not very powerful performance only for hdtv (hdmi watch high traitor) :p
Please post facts before posting illegible stuff. Can report you for trolling.. dont keep posting same shit everywhere
performance is now pretty much equal considering 2600XT vs the 8600GT cards , 8600GT leading by a small margin . The ATi HD series leads anyday in HD properties. So it depends , on your inclination , ATi or nVidia . both are good at the moment. ATi seemingly has more expected performance gains with every new Catalyst release .
and btw arunhalo , wen you say driver issues, i find nVidia drivers having serious issues as well , i get the nvkddllm sumthing error every 20minutes , and even after so much time , it hasnt beemn rectified.
Well frankly this gen, I'd go nvidia. I used to be an ATI lover and have had a 9800 pro then an x800xt and then an x1900xtx but this gen i switched to a pair of 8800 ultra cards.

ATI seriously blew it with their current DX10 cards. Their drivers are currently messed up, poor performance, poor scaling and poor shader throughput. Their GL drivers are a complete joke as of now. Mind you their DX9 cards and drivers were miles ahead of anything NV had to offer. But I'd not buy their DX10 cards if I were you.

I was getting an HD2900XT 1GB for half the market price thru a friend but I didn't buy it simply cos their performance in DX10 shaders is horrid. Their basic idea of using vec5 shader processors is a big mistake and with current schedulers, most of the time the SIMD unit is being used unfortunately as a simple scalar processor. I hope they release their next gen card, r700 or whatever soon or else ATI/AMD is dead.