Car & Bike Automotive spray paints in Cans

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Where can i get automotive spray paint cans in Delhi. I had bought on from Lado Sarai for 150 bucks. Something called F1. After spraying the first coat the thing just went out of gas. I mean paint is still there but no pressure. There is a clanking sound inside the can whenever i shake the bottle. What is it?

was checking and came across the kobe series of paints for 300 bucks including shipping. how are these any one tried them before ? They have multiple colors plus a clear coat option.
nope, even for my white indica, the shade match was not perfect, but then again, even when done by a professional paintshop with shade matching equipment, they still came up different.

Metallic, dont even try :D

I have a bad scrape on the front bumper of my i20. 3 months old. Should I go for a full coloring as per the Service Center. 4.5K..? These cans will not help..?
sunilyo said:
There is a clanking sound inside the can whenever i shake the bottle. What is it?

There's a metal ball inside, which both helps in mixing the paint and also indicates that the paint is free flowing. No sound means it's clogged up.

Reminds me of a funny incident from when i was like 10, a pj i made with disastrous results. My mom asked me to get her a bottle of correction fluid (white ink) while she was working on something and i read on the bottle 'shake till you hear steel balls rattle' or something like that. This pj just came into my head and i said 'only superman can do that'. (balls of steel for those who didn't get it.) Needless to say i got a few hard slaps for my attempt...
What about primers? I was going through a few websites and youtube videos and found that it is good to use a primer and wet sanding with like a 1000 grit sandpaper. Any ideas on painting the plastic parts like front fender ?
Paint will stick better to primer than a raw surface. Some expensive paints have a primer component premixed which makes it stick better, however, nothing like separate application.

In any case, paint the whole fender at once to match at least the fender itself. May not match the rest of the body. It's a lot of trouble to sand a fender and paint it with good results, especially using a spray can! Just take the fender to a local painter who should do it in a thousand bucks or so. Atleasty that's what my local guys used to do in colaba and tardeo.
Actually wanted to go the DIY route. If the results are not good enough then i can always get a new fender. In any case the existing one is cracked so also gives me a reason to try it once before getting a new one if DIY doesn't work. Because if i can get the fender right then there are many things that i can repaint myself :)

Another doubt where to get PUTTY FOR PLASTIC SURFACES. are they available in the local markets ? Came across this while going thru this link on XBHP : [xBhp Universal Thread]: DIY : Helmet Painting - : The Global Indian Biking Community
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