AV Expo 2005

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AV Expo 2005 at the Grand Hyatt, Mumbai
10th-12 June.

I'll be going on the 11th, as the TE meet is (hopefully) on the 12th. This will be a fun weekend. :ohyeah:

Last years AV Expo was a blast. Avantgarde, Manger, Martin Logan, Magnepan all had awesome demo rooms. I spent hours out there, totally mesmerized by the magical sounds.

Hope AVI brings the Wilsons to the Expo this time.

Anyone else here interested in high end audio? Hope to see you at the Expo.
zhopudey said:
AV Expo 2005 at the Grand Hyatt, Mumbai
10th-12 June.

I'll be going on the 11th, as the TE meet is (hopefully) on the 12th. This will be a fun weekend. :ohyeah:

Last years AV Expo was a blast. Avantgarde, Manger, Martin Logan, Magnepan all had awesome demo rooms. I spent hours out there, totally mesmerized by the magical sounds.

Hope AVI brings the Wilsons to the Expo this time.

Anyone else here interested in high end audio? Hope to see you at the Expo.

I used to be interested in high end audio - but not now.

I would love to see this Expo - sadly will not be possible.

Man the biggest mistake I ever made was not to have picked up a pair of Magnaplaners Speakers I saw for sale for 6000/- I missed it by a day. WHAT A STEAL !!! :@ But at that time I had a pair of high end B&W speakers and so did not feel too bad. I had a McIntosh Amp - that was very nice. 60W/CHannel with Tubes. I never bought a CD player used to listen to vinyls on my Linn Sondek Turntable.
So you had/have a Linn Sondek, McIntosh and B&W......... and you say you are no longer interested in high end audio? How come???
Here I am dreaming about when I can afford stuff even a tenth as musical as what you had...
zhopudey said:
So you had/have a Linn Sondek, McIntosh and B&W......... and you say you are no longer interested in high end audio? How come???
Here I am dreaming about when I can afford stuff even a tenth as musical as what you had...

one word ....COMPUTERS !!! ....I sold my audio equipment for buying high end Intel 386 computer parts. :D I paid 16K for a top of the line 386 MoBo and 30K for 2 120mb HDDs.... 120mb not gb :) ....At that time I started getting bored with my music and Computers was the new in-thing.

I still have a pair of the B&W 10" spare woofers lying around... I must see if I can use these :) ......and I have a pair of KEF Studio Monitor speakers attached to my second computer along with a Pioneer Amp. These Speakers are sooo smooth in sound - good for long music listening.

I think this will impress you... at one time I had 37 speakers in my smallish room - including 2 15" Warfdale woofers and various other speakers all along 2 walls... in a crazy way I had surround sound before any one else :D. Needless to say I was an Audio freak. Wish I had known you then :D
Surround sound = def :bleh:

but u did hav some crystal clear loud sound :0

nd 30k for 120MBs ???? ......nd 37 speakers........ ur name shud be Cr(E)azy :cool2:
Well I was in school when 386s were the hot thing, and at that time a sony minicompo was the limit of my desires...

BTW a sondek w/tonearm is being sold for $1250 on audiogon.... one could buy a fx-55 and DFI SLI mobo in that, and have money to spare...
Rockyme2002 said:
Surround sound = def :bleh:

but u did hav some crystal clear loud sound :0

nd 30k for 120MBs ???? ......nd 37 speakers........ ur name shud be Cr(E)azy :cool2:
"ur name shud be Cr(E)azy" ..... :rofl: .... agreed

Surround sound like there were speakers all around including on the back wall ;) YUP 30k for 2 120MBs. I paid 9k for my first hard disk - a 20mb drive.

I used to bring friends into my music room with all lights shut and BLAST the music and you would feel that the music was played in front of you on a stage. If you dont see the speakers your brain does not place the music instruments to the speakers positions and the experience was pretty good. I used "Ina Gadda Da Vidda" as my Demo Record. With that music you could reach a high without any illegal smokes. Guys I am not showing off here - it was a great experience which I am just trying to relive now.

The Linn Sondek Turntable was a nice piece of Hardware - I bought it second hand for 10k and I had to pay 3k to the Linn Sondek Agent to tune - the platter is supposedly tuned to avoid the metal of the platter resonating with the music. Now I think that was a rip off - 3k to tune a Metal Platter with oils and mechanical tensions - HAH !!! :@
BTW, is there any "Official" page for the AV Expo ?

My uncle said something about heading to Mumbai tomorrow for an AV expo (there is only one right?) at Gurgaon or something? :S

I was telling him its only on the 10th-12th :huh:
av expo happens in mumbai only , yes its from 10th to 12th , no official pages i could find ... might come in the newspapers in a couple of days.
puns said:
av expo happens in mumbai only

Actually, its held in all 4 metros. The organisers are AV Max magazine. But theres 3-4 months between each expo. So, no av expo in gurgaon this month.
And yes, check AV Max for details. They've even arranged a workshop about home theater basics. I think thats on the 11th, but not sure. Anyone who wants to understand THX, dipoles, bass reflex, active crossovers, electrostatic , etc should try this out.
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