Monitors Availiability of This Monitor

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e2 Series : E70fb, e70f+Sb
Graphic Series : G70f , G70fb
are these available here all r 17'' which one is the best.Link here
i saw a new samsung monitor too Samsung magic bright series magic bright series r better than normal right?
check this out.
SyncMaster 798MB PLUS [the specs]
temme which one is the best one .. or any other recommendations.
and no dont start shouting of getting a 19'' i dont have so much money to invest rt now will buy a 17 now will buy a 19 after 2 years .
The Viewsonic E70 is available here. The Samsung 798MB Plus is good too and is available freely. I would prefer the Viewsonic for quality, but then Samsung is known to have good service and a wide network. So my bet is for the 798MB.

vIEWSONIC model nos with prefix G, imply Graphics series!!
Very expensive!!
The 19" E90FSB was at 13K odd in OCT2005 and was my first choice!! But couldn't do 1600x1200 at 75hz!! Was advised bu Distro to try G90 something!! Priced at 18K odd!!
I found this BS as Philips and Samsung 19inchers did 1600x1200 at 75hz, and were priced at 12-13K odd!!

Also someone had told that Viewsonic warranty handled by HCL, not something to look fwd to!! Viewsonic had shut shop and then retsarted just couple of yrs back!!

Also, didn't get good feedback for Philips after sales service- slow and pricey!!

So samsung turned out best bet, especially with many members vouching for the 997DF!!

My frnd's samsung monitor was serviced same day as of complaint!!

So i guess, safer to go ahead with samsung, monitors only as far as i am concerned!!
heard rumours samsung 798mb isnt tht good is it true? but it supports 1600*1200 and even better dot pitch than any view sonic monitors and is it fullflat tht means ffst?
For samsung 17 Inchers, wait for Zhopudey and Quad!!
PM them!!
They know the intricacies of which samsung 17 to buy and which not!!
I think, Zhopudey faced some probs with his model!!
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