Awesome 3D Digital Face

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Title: Song Hye Kyo

Name: Max Edwin Wahyudi

Country: Indonesia

Software: 3ds max, ZBrush

This is a rendering of SongHyeKyo, the Korean actress.

I did this one as a challange from my friends, and also because she is my favourite actress. So, making the head accurate was the most important one for me.

I made her smile just for fun, but it turned out to be a very difficult process. I'm just glad it worked out fine :)

CGTalk - Song Hye Kyo, Max Edwin Wahyudi (3D)

For More Details & Wireframe Rendering :

CGTalk - Song Hye Kyo, Korean Actress (WIP)
just saw this pic...b4 on digit forums .!! really owesome...wish some one could make such a 3d pic..of our indian actresses:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
even i feel like learning all these 2d/3d animaition 3d max ,maya .,.I actly had palanned to learn 3d animation.. after my 10th board exams..from MAAC.(maya academy of advance cinematics ) but after learning about their very very high course fees..and ppl tellin me to do. the course only if i am serious abt the profession.. so i gave up at the last moment thinkin i am not a very good artist..and maybe not fit for this career so why waste money in such high-end courses...
@faheem u can still try but on ur own there are thousands of maya tutorials (textual as well as video) out there try with the basic and then progress gradually.. :)
wow....superb work..


if you dont have artistic skills you can still go for the technical side of things...dynamics, rigging, mel and the API...very interesting stuff
u guys should check out the ballastic publishings - The most beautiful CG characters. your face, jaw, hand , legs, eyes all will fall of..
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