Detect electrical wires in concrete walls?

There are various tools available, they are expensive. Choice of tool depends upon
- Whether you have access to the wire, on one end, or both.
- Is the wire live or not, do we have choice to turn off power or not.
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How do people detect buried electrical wiring conduits in our concrete walls?
What is the purpose? If it is drilling a hole, you can lightly tap with a hammer to find the right spot. If there is a conduit underneath, it will sound "hollow", i.e., it will make a louder sound like "tap-tap". If there is no conduit, it will sound solid or muffled or "thud-thud". You can tap in multiple places to get an idea of the "thud" sound and the opposite of that is the "tap" sound.

Alternatively, look at your switch box and look for a junction cover nearby, that's a direct path for the wires. Then any other junction cover nearby and see the shortest path to it, that's another path, even if it's diagonal.
100% this. Usually if three electrical points fall in straight lines then they are connected in that line. Electricians favour parallels and perpendiculars to the floor or ceiling.