For Sale !
- Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL: B&N Nook Color.
- Expected Price: Rs 8,000/-, open to negotiations. If you are getting cheaper than this, please buy from there itself.
- Time of Purchase: Feb - 2011 approx.
- Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: No | 0 Months
- Reason for Sale: need cash !
- Purchase Invoice Available: NO.
- Product Condition: Really good condition as you can see in pics. Can upload more pics, videos for serious buyers. Have applied B&N official screengaurd on it, since day one.
- Accessories Included: Box & all accessories.
- Product Location: North Karnataka.
- Preferred Courier: Prefer local deal.
- Shipping Charges: N.A
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer.
- Pics: http://imgur.com/a/MTdoM