Backing up DSLR photos

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Hi Vaibhav check out western digital my passport wireless. U can insert SD card in drive dump it n gud to go again
How about using bootable Ubuntu Pen Drive+ external drive and backup up photos at local net cafe? Or when you visit a restaurant, you can ask any person to do a favor and let you use computer for 15 mins. Most of Hotels do provide free computer access. are thinking too much.
Unless it's professional work that one is doing, one shouldn't freak out.

Shoot on your mobile phone. Shoot film. Just chill, enjoy your trip.
If your luck happens to be so bad, that your card goes kaput, savor the memories.

PS- Take this spoiler crap lightly, it's crap afterall.

How are you planning about batteries? Because that's the most important part I would care of, when going on a trip.
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I have one battery, and according to my experience, it has held good for 800 shots so I am not planning on a extra battery
I am not planning on a extra battery
big mistake... If you are a serious shooter, always carry two spares. try finding wasabi power batteries. they are highly acclaimed and darn cheap.

My biggest regret during my himalayan trip was that I did not carry extra batteries.
+1 for spare battery. Atleast get one more. You are planning to tether with your S3. And its winter, its going to drain out much faster.
a small update. The amkette OTG card reader and the power adapter arrived. The good news first. The Hitachi 250GB hard disk gets detected just fine by my S3. The bad news: no 2 USB devices can be mounted simultaneously in android. So suppose if I attach a 250 GB hard disk first, and then my SD card, SD card wont show up and thus not allow me to copy. Only way left now is to first copy the images of the SD card to the phone, then copy the images to the hard disk.
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