Bad Company 2 TechEnclave Clan

1)Yep BC2 is a must buy for mp addicts plus is the best mp game of 2010

2)Pings should be fine as BC2 has servers near India and also in India named RCDC

3)Yes there are good ping servers for BC2 like Fragnetics, MIA, Saluzi and RCDC
Done ........ :D buying BFBC2

Guys where can i buy it , cant buy online :'(

going to planet M and chroma in New bombay Vashi , hope to find there.

you guys wanna suggest some more shops ?
The EA Online store was selling it for 499, but it is no longer available. If you don't want to buy it online you should get it in any Landmark/Crossword for 999.
Hey bought it guys , from chroma !!!!

Damn this game is soooooooooo much fun :D loving it

though i keep crashing my choppers :(

Hey guys , wanna ask you something , was on BFBC2 website and saw kit upgrades pack there , are these items unique ( can we only buy and use them) or it will unlock as i keep leveling up in the game.

And how do i buy BF: vietnam ( though its far from release ) do i need to buy it online (using credit/debit card ) from ea's site ?

Bit of a noob while buying online :'(
you need to buy the vietnam dlc online. No other way. And those kit upgrades are only for the ps3 and xbox360 users, so we need to wait.

Amd don't worry about noobing. Remember pro-es were once noobs as well :p
Yes but refrain from taking up the chopper if you keep crashing it. You will get yelled at a LOT. If you want to practice flying, there are a lot of empty rush servers, join any one of them and fly to your heart's content :) And don't get stuck on the Sniper class, don't spam Gustavs on infantry. Happy Fragging !!
I am back in this clan...
How about I make a live website hosted, where players of our clan can hangout and discuss timings ?
I've added everyone in this clan, please accept my friend requests...
Hope to hear back soon.
This clan is umm lets say some what extinct. Guys can we challenge a clan over a RCDC? Its about time we did some real fragging.

And about that site, we can't unless we can pay and maintain it. And besides it ain;t that time yet.
same wid me, can't find the RCDC server...... BTW a 4man squad for a teamplay will be awesome... Please post here ur views.. Playing with feels awesome
hey guys can I join ? my soldier name is Kartikey .. Ill be resuming in mid jan after exams get over ... been playing on fragnetics all this time