Bad Company 2 TechEnclave Clan

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jojothedragon said:
Yep, you can join the community where all your friends are and easily chat with them or create a TE community and invite all your friends. :D
How? When i try to add a friend, it says "you need one or more games added in order to add friends" and under that line it says Some features are locked for Steam community games etc etc..

I added BFBC2 and other installed games (non-steam) successfully, but still i get the same error message.
you need to buy game which is supported by steam like orange pack or l4d2,etc i think orange is less expensive one .
jojothedragon said:
Reasons for failure:-

You join servers with high pings

You don't do team work

Try to do good at one of these and see your success. :D
dude iam allways in a squad and i strive to accomplish squad objectives and i only play on fragnetics which has ping frn 80-160 :D
as Anish said have a patient . after getting to rank 21 then i started to understand this game . Just keep practising like i do :ohyeah: and try to learn from your mistake . one mistake Anish told me never stand at one place else he will knife you .

just enjoy the game not every one is perfect .
Yep. The main thing is practice. You can't expect yourself to play like a pro at that level and with that experience. I was also that bad when i started playing multiplayer games.
Tip #1 Dont move in bushes. The terrain in BC2 is such that anything that moves in bush is easily identifiable since the color of ghille suit is pretty different that the flora.

Tip #2 If you have been shot but not yet dead, quickly do a 360 degree turn, you WILL find a white strafing line of freshly shot bullet, take cover and shoot the bastard.

Tip #3 Another way to find from where you are getting shot is the blood stain on the screen, look out for those blood stains on your HUD, for eg, if you are getting shot from the right, you will find a red arch forming, take cover and shoot the bastard again.
I created another soldier to practice with so that my real soldier's stats are not lowered. But it was nothing like i expected, i thought i was gonna get pawned bad if i take other classes than Recon but i'm actually loving it because i'm playing good. Damn ping really matters, with good pings i'm sure gonna get lots of kills.

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And the server was RCDC Unlimited with 167 ping :D
right now canning the plan, my aim is to come up in the top 100(atleast) on the leaderboard :P

currently ranked #1342. When i enter the top 1000 (6.7L+ points), I will be seen under the first 10 pages of the leaderboard.
Cool dude. Good luck

I just armature edited some screenies and came up with this signature :P


Some work still needs to be done with the leg and all but i think i can do it with some time. I made it with Gimp 2.6.4 and MS Paint :P
Thanks dude. I'm thinking for making a TE Clan Signature but i'm out of ideas. I will try to make one but it will be noobish but i'll try. :P:D
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