My mum bought a case of amul gold milk and saw there is a viscous slimy bitter thick later of goop on the bottom of the pack but the milk on top is good.
Is this normal?
And if anyone has any we get any cream out of 'full cream' packaged milk?
@nuke: It happens all the time. i have habit of getting milk in morning and thinking of it only in next long in fridge. it doesnt go bad. boil to make sure though. its a treat even if it goes bad
Hmm Buffalo's vote here too, its too sad I cant drink milk these days as I have to goto work too early in the morning to boil and make a glass of milk...
Sheesh I pratically live off the stinking black cofee with oodles of sugar these days.. hehe
^^Hell..same story here... No milk nowadays..only a pathetic cup of coffee in my office.. which i call my daily dose of warm water...hell, i'm still sippin onto it...:lol: