Bang On: Firefox, you're kind of ugly

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A nice article. I have been saying this for a long time, FF3 looks fugly! Cant believe they finalised this as their look!
Read the complete article @ neowin - Bang On: Firefox, you're kind of ugly
I have three browsers installed on my system. I mostly use the Firefox nightly builds for my day to day browsing, but I also have Internet Explorer for random compatibility issues and Chrome for fulfilling my inner-geek's desire to tinker. I wish I could say that I also have Opera and Safari installed, but Opera tends to annoy me and Safari just runs like a dog. I'd apologize to the Opera and Safari fans that may read this, but they're just browsers, guys.
Anyway, Internet Explorer 8 (beta) looks as native as can be in Vista. Microsoft followed its own interface guidelines very well and created a browser that blends into Vista beautifully. Chrome, while not following the standards, is also very nice to look at with added animations that really spruce up the presentation and increase the initial wow factor. Then, we have the "ugo" of the group, Firefox. It's the only one to use a window menu, still. The default theme, even if you download an extension and remove the menu, looks like a cheap knock off of a Vista minded theme. It takes the Vista blue menu color and applies it to all of the toolbars at the top of the window. It just doesn't look right.

Before you beat me with sticks for insulting your favorite browser or collect as an angry mob and storm my apartment with torches because I'm being sexist, you have to understand that I like Firefox. I wouldn't use it if I didn't like it. I'm just not blind enough to lie to myself and say it looks good, at all. Sure, the Mac version is nice enough looking, but the Vista version is just horrendously ugly. There's too much blue to be tolerable. There needs to be some kind of differentiation between the various aspects of the browser window and, overall, less bulk. Internet Explorer and Chrome have both proven that the window menu is no longer needed, so that should go first. Once that's kaput, let's color up that address bar with a new, sleeker design. Nothing gaudy is needed, just something simple like the other guys are wearing these days.

The guys at Mozilla can fix this. If they can manage to make a browser that makes a sizable dent in Internet Explorer's market share, they can surely make that piece of software look somewhat presentable. There are hundreds of talented artists out there who contribute to open source projects all of the time. How about some of them get hired? You don't need to buy stock in Revlon or Versace to make that girl look good. You just need to get her out of her ten year old sweats and into something a little more modern and respectable. If you don't do it for her, do it for me, please. Until that happens, though, I hate to say it, but, Firefox, you're kind of ugly.
if not firefox ,then internet extinguisher is the norm?If not firefox ,then opera,epiphany,konqueror and many other browsers.

thank god! we are on better alternative platforms unlike locked inside window$.
lol @ this guy. firefox has too much blue? :lol: what about chrome?

i prefer firefox having the menu bar. i hate some new softwares that dont have menu bars.

though i dont use opera, it certainly isnt 'just' a browser.
Haha if you think its looks bad on windows, you should see it on a mac, its downright fugly lol..

But again, its about the functionality, speed and security not looks ;)
This isn't about not being able to change the looks and make it look better.

It is about the logic behind why the hell does it need to look that way in the first place? Its not that it ships with some basic minimalistic UI which you have to improve upon by choosing between different user created UIs. The FF team did the UI themselves, put in some effort. So why did the effort not go in the right direction? Where were the FF fans during the betas and alphas. They should have pointed out that the UI needs to be worked upon. (please dont say the fans were more busy trying to iron out the bugs and other important stuff.)

Just my opinion.

Read this para again -
The guys at Mozilla can fix this. If they can manage to make a browser that makes a sizable dent in Internet Explorer's market share, they can surely make that piece of software look somewhat presentable. There are hundreds of talented artists out there who contribute to open source projects all of the time. How about some of them get hired? You don't need to buy stock in Revlon or Versace to make that girl look good. You just need to get her out of her ten year old sweats and into something a little more modern and respectable
Functionality, speed and everything else considered, theres no reason that firefox cant have a decent interface, the present ones sucks..Its ancient..

The browser need a visual refresh..

In comparison, even the Ie7 interface is very aesthetic, really loved it before chrome came..
@Op forget this already?

alsiladka said:
IMHO, the UI of FF3 is hideous!

..:: Free Radical ::.. said:
FF3 has the most customizable interface.

All of the following is done in CSS without any themes with the default interface of FF3:


Toggle Toolbars/Sidebars, autohidden Toolbars/Sidebars, dynamic/smart bookmarks and glass on all toolbars.

IMHO. all other browsers are hideous.
alsiladka said:
Dude, no kidding, your FF looks superb. And i mean it.
But to point of the UI, you had to make it look like it. I have no clue how to edit the CSS stuff, and i doubt the normal user would. But if you could do this, then what was the FF team thinking providing us with that hideous UI by default?

Please guide me how i could make FF look like this and i will also install FF3 and start using it.

This was on the ff3 stable version.

FF can be as beautiful as you want it to be.
OS designers of course have the onus to design an app in accordance to the OS. Eye candy is not the first thing on the minds of the Moz dev team. FF is all what it is only bcoz of its customizability and not how it looks. Yet IE/Safari apologists keep pointing it out how good their browser fits into the OS and how the competition is an eyesore. What else do they have to show :tongue:

If you can't make make your own themes, go over to and get some.

btw, in the nightly builds, glass is being incorporated into FF. So even the menus, statusbar and tooltips can be glassified.
I have tried the nightlies but they are still quite buggy.

If you don't like Firefox, don't use it ;)
..:: Free Radical ::.. said:
If you don't like Firefox, don't use it ;)

Here it is. The get away line of the fanboys. End the discussion when you know you got nothing to say.
Its not about the features and the ability to customize. There is no browser beating FF to it. I have not forgotten your last post. Your version of FF looks amazing.
But this is an alltogether different issue. Read my last post. No matter how much awesome your browser is, why the hell did they go with such an ugly look that you yourself had to go to so much trouble just to get it to look presentable? No excuse for that. But ofcourse, that is not digestable for you. So i will let go of the discussion here.
..:: Free Radical ::.. said:
btw, in the nightly builds, glass is being incorporated into FF. So even the menus, statusbar and tooltips can be glassified.

I have tried the nightlies but they are still quite buggy.

btw, this was a promised feature in FF3, check the FF blog if you wish, but it was axed midway and only half implemented. I don't wonder why though, the fans dont need the looks.
I am not a fanboy. I'll jump boat as soon as something better comes out or which serves my requirements better :rofl:

btw, the getaway line of fanboys is "your browser sucks. period."

That sure as hell is not my repartee. :P

But it sure as hell is easy to brandish someone a "fanboy" for the sake of winning a losing argument.
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and I thought looks were subjective...
this article made me remember the good/bad old days of IE 4.0/5.0, Netscape & other browsers

and afa I'm concerned, I use the browser in Full Screen Mode
FF looks fine to me on Windows. It's on Linux there are some UI glitches especially with KDE. I'm running 3.1 beta 2 tho.

In any case, in a browser, I'm usually looking at the webpage contents/design itself and not focussing on the browser bits too much :D
Pretty apps are just that. You will be fascinated by looks for 1-2 days. Whether you keep an app on your system completely depends on speed and ease of use...and maybe if you can get used to a new layout or a new way of doing things.

Firefox itself was new to me. It took time getting used to the interface but now, it stays on my system and is frequently used. On the other hand, I tried getting used to Chrome without the title bar but just couldn't get used to the new way of doing things. I rarely use it now.
I think the FF Dev team must have thought the community effort that will go into customizing the Firefox interface by individual users.... That's why they did not bothered much on the looks..... Nevertheless the interface is basic but could be customized to something terrific which no browser can match due to individual development of interface skins.

Lets face it Firefox is still unheard of in the majority of internet users who still prefer IE... The real users are the one who definitely go for customization at their will... So even if the current interface is plain boring, it does not matter much 'coz most users would use the skin of their choice to enhance it...

A basic interface also gives liberty to designers/ coders to make more compatible build of the interface which does not hinder much to the real usability/performance of the browser...

No matter what anybody says, but I am hooked to Firefox & at least it gives me freedom to choose what I want to do with my browser.... :)
I would prefer an ugly browser with loads of customization options rather than a beautiful one with little or no customization which becomes boring to look at after some time
i actually like the default theme than all those skins. i havent found a decent skin yet. and i just cannot see how people can tolerate those black skins. they totally blind my eyes with the white webpages.
viralbug said:
i actually like the default theme than all those skins. i havent found a decent skin yet. and i just cannot see how people can tolerate those black skins. they totally blind my eyes with the white webpages.
You tried FoxKeh, have been using it from the day i installed it
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