21-30k Basic rig for a Lawyer!

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Hi everyone,

I'm Manpreet & It's good to be on a forum where everyone chips in with their earnest, unbiased advice. Greetings to everyone here.

I need assistance buying a factory packed (Dell, Lenovo) or otherwise assembled Desktop to complement my i-5 laptop. The Desktop will be for my home office and shall be used for word processing, web browsing, the odd download, watching Game of Thrones (!) ( for when meandering into the main house for that purpose can lead to catastrophic waste of time!). I'm not a gamer at all thus the machine shan't be testing those waters at all.

I've capped my budget at 30k (including a monitor). I understand I need to fill in a template to seek assistance, I'd appreciate if someone can point me in that direction.

Thanks every much.
What is your budget?
  • 30K
What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)


Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
  • CPU - Any which fits in the budget & delievers decently for the purpose mentioned.
  • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard
  • GPU - As suggested by the Gurus
  • PSU - "
  • (please mention the rest in above format)
Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
  • Looking for a spec which lasts me 3-4 years.
Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
  • Chandigarh
  • Open to online purchase
Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
  • No
What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
  • Browsing
  • Desktop Processing
  • Download
  • Watching HD movies
Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
  • Am a novice in this regard, but like any reasonable person would scope to buy components covrered by a warranty.
If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
A Full HD monitor would be nice. Prefereably matte being easier on the eyes as I need to spend a significant time reading text on the monitor

Are you looking to overclock?
  • No
Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
  • Windows 7 64 bit
  • CPU - Intel Core i5 4460 -12000,
  • Motherboard - Gigabyte H97-D3H -9000,
  • PSU - Seasonic S12II 520w -5000.
  • TOTAL -26,000.
You don't need any stand alone GPU as iGPU is more than enough for your tasks at home.OK.
  • Like
Reactions: johnjoyjoe1979
Greatly appreciate the feedback :) The spec/cost fits my requirement to the T.

Can I source all these online?
Pardon my ignorance, what is GPU?

Any ideas on the monitor? I prefer a matte screen, I liked the Dell S2240L but appears to be extremely glossy.I need to read a fair amount of text on the monitor, need something easy on the eyes.

Thanks again.
Gaming PC requires a powerful video card to play latest games; in general called as GPU. You do not need one as the processor comes with one in built which should be sufficient for your tasks. This is what bssunil meant; I just explained it.
Just to be clear, your 30k budget is including the monitor?
What about RAM, hard disk/SSD, DVD drive, a cabinet for everything to go into, keyboard, mouse?
Morning people,

Thanks for your replies.

@adi - solves the puzzle :) @Saiyan I pretty much need everything @Eddy yes, inclusive of the monitor. Have a cabinet, that's pretty much it.

Is 30k too little? I just need it for word processing,watching occasional HD content when I'm at office and downloading music.For everything else my i-5 laptop is competent.

Is there any point in buying something like Dell Inspiron (32k on their website) or the Lenovo Tiny in the same bracket?

Thank you.
A properly assembled desktop is way better than those branded ones as these comes with much longer warranty & the option to upgrade in the future.
Are dell's online quotes including a monitor? - you might want to check that out.

A core i5, while a great processor, is simply too much for what you intend to use this system for.

I would suggest an intel g3220 (~3.5k) or a core i3 (~7.5k onwards) or an amd fx-6300(~7k)
depending on the cpu the motherboard would cost between 4-7k
4gb of standard ddr3 ram is about 2.5-3k
seasonic 520w smps is about 5k
Hard drives start from 3k for 500gb (enough space for the entire GoT series in HD :D)
However, if you don't need large storage (i.e. if you use your laptop for data storage) then get an ssd drive (a 64gb one costs about 3-3.5k)
Balance money left can go towards a monitor. (6-10k approx)
You can get a 22" monitor for under 10k.
Keep an extra 1k aside for your keyboard and mouse (any logitech combo will do nicely)
I know you plan on keeping your current cabinet but if you do replace it, then cases start at around 1k but i would recommend you spend about 2k on a decent one as the cheap ones tend to rust.
I don't know if you have speakers but since you plan to use this for movies etc. you might want to budget for that as well.
Also, a dvd drive is not really necessary these days but if you do want one then add another 1k.

Btw, do you have any experience in assembling a computer or is there someone you know that can help you out? (the downside of buying the parts online)
If you buy it from the local stores they will assemble it for you (they might charge extra).

A system you put together yourself will always be better in terms of performance and price as opposed to a pre-assembled pc.
However, the one advantage that a pre-assembled pc has over the do-it-yourself option is convenience i.e. you wont need to assemble it or install the os.

P.s. you should read game of thrones - its more gripping and satisfying than the series.
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Hi @manpreet,

As per @Crapmypants comments, I agree with him. Based on your requirement, I’d suggest a basic build within your budget.

Intel Pentium G3258.
Gigabyte GA-H81M.
Corsair Vengeance (4GB) DDR3-1600.
WD Blue 1TB or Seagate barracuda 1TB.
Seasonic 520w smps.

For Monitor, Cabinet, keyboard and mouse, go with the Crapmypants suggestion.

Good luck.
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