battery and inverter not giving much backup these days.

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I have 2yrs old inverter and battery. I regularly check battery water level and also fill it. From last month there is some problem, I am hardly getting any backup. Not even half hour backup is getting even though its charged for 1,2 days. Previously it was giving almost 3hrs of backup.
I have also added water but backup is still very low.
Any idea what could be the problem? Any suggestion would be appreciated by heart.:S

PS: I add distilled battery water only and my battery is local made not branded like Exide.
Better you check the ph value of battery solution ie the distilled water if below normal then bring the new distilled water + acid solution from the battery shop & replace.During monsoon & low temp conditions the efficiency of battery decreases.:-)
Local made batteries are highly unreliable. (Personal Experience). If the above suggestion doesn't work then you need to get a replacement. Get a tubular battery which is best for inverter purpose. Its life is more compared to regular inverter batteries.

Also check the color of water while you are testing it. If its black then the charger is sending more current to battery terminals during charging & it affects the battery charge holding capacity over time. If the charging current is normal & the water change is not working then you need a new battery.. two years is enough life for a local battery anyway..
scudmissile007 said:
Better you check the ph value of battery solution ie the distilled water if below normal then bring the new distilled water + acid solution from the battery shop & replace.During monsoon & low temp conditions the efficiency of battery decreases.:-)
How to check ph value of battery solution? And what is this acid, never heard before, do I need to add that in battery and if yes how much?
I am short of funds right now, want to work this battery atleast 6 more months. Even the guy who setup my inverter and battery is asking for Rs.500 for his visit to just check whats the problem as I asked for him on mobile phone. :( I said no thanks to him. Let me try what can I do personally before calling him. Even previously my battery clip was eroded and broke and I brought new one from market and fixed it myself.

New exide tubular battery I asked was price for Rs.12,000. Thats too costly or is it not? :O So please tell me what more can I do for atleast make this battery work for 6 more months.:down:
Try Local auto electrical repair shops they should have the equipment to test the ph value of the's like a big ink filler with a ph indicator in that.the water inside the battery is a mixture distilled water & sulphuric acid,when acid looses it's ph value the current holding capacity of battery decreases.For replacing the electrolyte won't cost too much may be around 200 rs.And to stop the corrosion of the clip put a small layer of vaseline jelly on the clip.:-)
Yes I did put the vaseline jelly on the clip.

Thanks for your help, I will try this ph value and let know the results over here.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Today I visited many battery shops and electrical repair shops.

One of electrical shop owner told me for testing ph value in battery, gravity meter is used. He didn't had it, said will get on monday will cost around Rs.150-200.

But what should be reading for that?

I think you got the point there, many times water comes out from battery when over filled it, happened lots of time with me which might have spilled some of sulphuric acid out and hence decreased its quantity.

I asked many battery shops about this problem all said don't add acid now, its added only during start of battery when produced new and said battery is almost dead now and trying to convince me of buying new one from them. I wasn't much convinced with them.

Plates in battery looks in good shape to me and clean also.

Only thing now is how should I use this gravity meter to read ph value. What should be its ideal value and if less how much sulphuric acid should I add?
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