Battlefield 1 (2016) - Discussion Thread

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I watched the whole 2 hour 64 men matches live, and it indeed does look very nice. The deploy map is now a live topdown view of the battlefield which is pretty awesome. The antitank grenades looked OP though. You can damage vehicles, even tanks,with special sniper ammo. And there is a basic cover mechanic now.
The presenters said you could pop out of cover with only your weapon and upper body showing, tough to understand without playing. Btw, there are now vehicle driver classes. You can choose a tankman and you will mostly spawn directly in a tank. There are behemoth vehicles in a map, which can be summoned once by each side. They are the zeppelins, armored trains and battleships.
So far the beta looks good. there are many bugs but the eye candy is still a driving force. I might end up paying 8K after all.
You should try the Mexico store. Bought a lot of things from there, Paypal works nicely.
I have read people buying games from Mexican Origin using vpn. But is there any chance of region locking on BF1? History doesnt say so, but cant take chances.
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