Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

Seeing your signature, I guess you have a screen with max reso of 1600x900... Am I right?? If so, then high settings with no AA would play it smoothly on a 5770.

and Yes, you need to update to latest catalyst drivers, might experience slight changes. Better to update periodically

The experience in SP is useless when it comes to MP in BF3 IMO, the real games lies in MP, leave the campaign and start MP...

And I hope you dont run away with any excuse at 10pm tonight

Not going anywhere tonight. Will play even if the ping is >350ms. Will be playing from 8-11pm tonight.

@Nir-V-aNa : Leave the SP. I played it only for 15min and left it. Once you get in MP you will never go back to SP. And upgrade to latest driver. It will mostly work the best.
I just purchased the game yesterday after a friend who plays frequently insisted that I do. Never played it before but I've been a good FPS player, especially multiplayer so keeping my fingers crossed

So where did you finally get the game from?

Also be prepared to get owned tonight, I was also believing the hollow truth, that being good in other fps, will make me good in BF3

sAIGA 12K readied!!!
So where did you finally get the game from?

Also be prepared to get owned tonight, I was also believing the hollow truth, that being good in other fps, will make me good in BF3

sAIGA 12K readied!!!

Hehe...I know but I'm a quick learner so as long I get to play regularly I'll be able to pull my own weight in a team

I bought the standard edition locally at Mumbai. The guy at the store said that the limited edition isnt available anymore, so I went for it. Was getting too impatient

For those of you looking to get your hands on a copy at Mumbai, its available at Landmark, Infiniti Mall @ Andheri (W). Go get it before they run out as well!
Ahh, I missed it. Anyways, high settings with no AA will be just fine with a 5770. Update to latest catalyst drivers every month.
No, the PA238Q res is full HD actually
I am used to playing CS & COD4 at high fps so fps drops will totally kill my game experience. Is there any driver version I should specifically go for, that is known to work best with BF3 or should I just upgrade to the latest, i.e., 12.3?
Usas 12 is so noob plz dont use that shit!

it's been nerfed now so not much of a problem

haha...I'm totally new to this game so I got no clue as to what a dogtag is! I'm playing single player as of now to get a feel of the game

OT: Whenever I launch the game, it shows that I'm running on catalyst 10.6 and I need to have atleast 11.7 or later. The game launches and works fine but would I get a better performance from the latest drivers? And can anyone guide me to the optimal settings for some good fps at decent bling on my rig?

5770 is going to struggle with BF3 at FullHD. so maybe keep the settings to medium. and there is no driver that is optimum for BF3 all are equally worse
so just upgrade to the latest one.

btw I'll just drop this here

Be ready to protect your dogtags sire
I will be ready with FAMAS then, or else an AEK

So chirag now you've finally shifted to assault
best weapons of my choice is M16A3 and AEK-971 and lastly L8.

See all you guys tonight
I would love to join in if you guys promise to light on the noob

playing lot of Metro to rank up but still on pathetic level. Enemies with RPGs and Grenade Launchers i hate it.
I would love to join in if you guys promise to light on the noob

playing lot of Metro to rank up but still on pathetic level. Enemies with RPGs and Grenade Launchers i hate it.

Metro is great for levelling up and maintaing K/D ratio and use M320 to get more kills

See you tonight at 10pm
Metro is great for levelling up and maintaing K/D ratio and use M320 to get more kills

See you tonight at 10pm

But leveling up in Metro is unhelpful in other maps. Players just run here and there, get spotted and killed. (My own experience)

Word of advice, be prepared for expletives if you start running around with the M320.

In metro one can use M320 and get as many as 50 kills easily
...not very easily though which is vey tough in other cases like TDM etc..

One can get used to the environment of 64 players and which surely is helpful for noob players and getting the level up again not very common in other large maps like wake island
Nalin need to be a pro to get 50 kills, i just got m320 like day before. still getting killed more than anything else. What server you guys on ?

what i hate most is my sniper rifle has no power, one shot does not kill anyone.

I wanted to take up sniping but I have to say the sniper rifles are horrible, sniper rifles are meant to be one shot kill

In BF3, I shoot one guy, he gets alerted, I again shoot him, he spots me, takes out his MG or rifle, and if I am lucky, he will die on third shot or I will die(which happens most of the time)

I wanted to take up sniping but I have to say the sniper rifles are horrible, sniper rifles are meant to be one shot kill

In BF3, I shoot one guy, he gets alerted, I again shoot him, he spots me, takes out his MG or rifle, and if I am lucky, he will die on third shot or I will die(which happens most of the time)

Learn to headshot, this isnt cod.

Sent from my Motorola Defy.
man the TE server is killing me
im getting pings anywhere from 300-450ms.. will come today again at 11... even with aek I am getting owned.. got 5 kills and 17 deaths
not playing DM on TE server