awesome is an understatement (except for rush). I just played for a few hours. will play more from this weekend.^^how are the new maps. My download will finish in some hours.
Battlefield 3 for Rs.549 till september 24th in the Origin India Store. Also BF:BC2 and BF 2142.
harry_houdini check this out![]()
try a vcc from someone.....
I for some or the other reason keep formatting my hdd , am not sure if origin allows multiple downloads.
Virtual credit cards..if you have icici account u can get one AFAIK...
also multiple download is allowed...
They will allow you multiple downloads of the setup it is the way for all digital distribution platforms. They allow you to hold the license for the game for multiple downloads on different platforms, you just need an active net connection and sufficient space in the target directory (they are issuing this in lieu of a disc).
DigitalDude Is there a discount on Premium?
Thanks buddy , no icici account.
thanks , Ok got it , I guess what that means is I can have any number of copies but the actual validation will be done by my account .
Neat !!
Is there a gift system here like Steam , wherein some buddy can buy it for me through his card and I pay him the amount , and he can gift it to me through his origin account ?
At the price it's at, it doesn't qualify as a DLC. :annoyed:no discount !! they rarely discount DLCs
No gift system in origin . the most you can do is let other friend buy it for you through their credit card from your account ( ofcourse you have to tell password , but you can change later) and then later pay them by bank transfer .
I dont mind telling password and account name and stuff . This would be my first game anyways .
Hope someone could help me out in this . Everyone I knew on the forum says I dont have a Credit Card, what to say , even I dont have one .