Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

Aman27deep said:
I don't care about attachments, infact that'll make it more fun as we will always have something to do.

Not sure about that Master. I personally find it somewhat annoying to find I will have to unlock the exact same attachment for different weapons. If i was unlocking NEW attachments for various guns, I wouldn't have minded. Its unlocking the same thing again and again that puts me off.

Luckily this "feature" wont affect me so much because you trained me to use only use 1 primary, 1 secondary and 1 sniper and disregard everything else. With your permission I would like to add a 4th gun - a support weapon - after you go through all of them plus their attachments (wont take you more than an hour) and tell me which one is BEST - just like you did for BC2. ;)
You also use only one gun? Nice to know you're following Aman sir's training philosophy.

PS - Which plan did you take (Bronze/Silver/Gold)? :)
lol guys.

BTW ricky, you have platinum in only one primary weapon and me with seven!

You have with M16A2, 16,621 kills, and from WWII M1911 .45, 2,158 kills! And don't forget 40MM GRENADE, 6,190 kills!

Now i know you'll be playing with only one kit ricky :p
Aman27deep said:
BTW ricky, you have platinum in only one primary weapon and me with seven!

Why is that surprising? Thats the reason why you're the MASTER and I am paying YOU and not the other way around! :)

Aman27deep said:
Now i know you'll be playing with only one kit ricky :p

I was only following your instructions Sifu. :S When you started my BC2 training you had WARNED me - "Stick to only ONE class and 2 weapons and do NOT change them until I tell you to or unless you reach 1000 hours of gameplay with them and have at least a 10:1 KDR with the 2 guns I have selected for you to start with".

I can only assume you were unhappy with my progress because you never told me to try other guns or classes. I phailed you master. :(
From the BF3 Blog -


No mounted machine guns in Battlefield 3
In previous Battlefield games — virtually all of them — there were select points on maps that featured mounted machine guns for players to use in order to protect an area, but that’s a thing of the past with Battlefield 3. Since most weapons can now feature a bipod, it means they can be mounted on most surfaces and take over the role of the dedicated mounted MG. This is according to DICE’s Alan Kertz.

All Light Machine Guns in Battlefield 3 will have the ability to be mounted on most surfaces with a bipod, and so will most rifles as well (and sniper rifles, for that matter). This leaves the mounted MGs in fixed positions rather useless, but we’ll sure miss them, as they’ve been with the series for a long time. We still have the mounted TOW anti-vehicle missiles in Battlefield 3, though.
From Shack - Battlefield 3 beta getting 'hundreds' of changes from alpha

The Battlefield 3 beta is just around the corner, but already DICE has made quite a few refinements to the multiplayer with help from fan feedback. According to executive producer Patrick Bach, the number of changes already made to the game based on alpha feedback ranges in the hundreds. The beta promises to keep even more changes coming, making a day-one patch likely.

"There were plenty of complaints, of course," Bach said at a roundtable interview in Sweden, reported by VG247. "There were some things we found out that we wanted to change based on the alpha; quite a lot, actually." He referenced map changes, and said they are "still moving things around" on the Rush map. "That's why we're doing it. It's not to market the game, it's actually to test it in a proper way. There are hundreds of things that we've changed since the alpha."

He also says that the beta will close very near the ship-date of the game, but feels confident DICE can finish patches for launch. "We will still have time to do, for instance, day one patches and changes to the Battlelog that will actually be game-changing," he said.

Bach was less forthcoming when it comes to actual beta release timing. "Soon," he said. Another staff member added, "Sometime between now and the end of September." We've heard that release target before, so DICE apparently doesn't want to commit to a more specific date yet. On the bright side, if you picked up the Medal of Honor Limited Edition, you're guaranteed a spot.

Not only will DICE have to scramble to make its day-one patch for the October 25 launch, but it will have to account for platform differences on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, as compared to the PC.
My BF3 Wish list was -

  1. CommoRose - DONE! :)

  2. BattleRecorder with FIRST PERSON POV support
  3. "Jets Only" Air Superiority Mode
  4. Old BF2 Squad player limit
  5. In game Server browser (why they changed this is beyond me)
  6. Mod Tools

Of the above, the BattleRecorder (with FIRST PERSON POV support) is IMO the most important feature still pending in BF3. It would be a POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE way to root out cheaters that somehow always seem to get by PB.

The older BR that shipped with BF2 only had 3rd Person POV support that made it less effective as an anti-cheat utility.

With BR & First Person POV support, cheaters would have an EXTREMELY hard (maybe impossible) time no matter how "advanced" their cheats might be as the interpretation is done by "human beings" - ie. Server Admins - and not through software (ie. PB).
i dont think there will be any mod tools for the game as the publisher wants to milk the franchise using DLC's Excessively that wont work if mod tools are

DICE keeps blowing hot and cold on the issue which is really frustrating.

First they said "maybe", then there was the "Frostbite is too complex for modders to handle" excuse (which is a pathetic excuse IMO), followed by "there are 3rd party licensing issues" and finally, when COD-MW3 was announced a short while ago with FULL SUPPORT for mod tools AND Dedicated Servers, DICE posted that they were "still considering it".

So its full circle and back to square one.

While I agree with your reasoning (paid DLC) behind them not wanting to release MOD tools, there is a way around it - have "official" (read "pure, un-modded) and "unofficial" (read modded) server support. Modded servers can be un-ranked servers with no player progression, no stats logging and no Paid DLC support.

That way people can choose to play on both kinds of servers and DICE/EA can still control paid DLC vs free fan created content.

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From IGN - Battlefield 3 Interview with Karl Magnus Troedsson

Get the lowdown on how DICE hopes to bring something fresh to the shooter genre.

^ Why would they go bankrupt? :S

That teaser looked awesome! (How many times have we said that already? :p)

Btw, how long is the single player campaign gonna be? I hope it's atleast 30 hours long. :p