Battlefield Bad company 2 Co-OP

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Hi TE'ites

This is yet another thread for BFBC2. I am making a new thread coz the other threads are already too cluttered and I believe I wont get the kinda replies that I am expecting here.

Moving on, I want to propose that on weekends, several TE members and their friends/family can get together on some server and play together with voice chat ON. You all must have heard about clans. They are very popular in the west. I, myself am a recruit in the clan BattleLegion. It is a clan formed by highly motivated people and they bring a new level of realism to the game. However, I dont have time to have a regular attendance over there. Also, these guys are VERY ****in systematic, for which I have now realised that I dont have the energy. Hats off to these people for making this possible.

Also, I have no real friends who game. None at all. zero. NADA.

So, I want to ask you people who regularly play battlefied, if you all can join the same server at the same time and we all can play together. If some of us (even 4 or 5) can get together, it will add THAT extra dimension to the already solid gameplay that BFBC2 offers. I understand that many of you are already playing with friends, but there should be SOME people out there who are like me and have no bbuddies that game.

So, interested people please reply. If the number gets high enough (4 or more), we will have to think of some central way to communicate.

Things to expect from my side:
1) I dont cheat and I dont boost. I want to have a good battlefield experience without getting too serious (which we can if all members agree).

2) Just some good experience man.....

Things not to expect if this thing manages to go off:

1) I wont be able to give a regular attendance, but 99% of my weekends are going to this game with at least 2 or 3 hours.

2) I dont expect you all to give a regular attendance too, BUT, whoever do decides to join, should make sure that they play for at least 2 rounds before going away.

So, guys hit it. Lets do it........
Hmm... have been playing less and less recently after unlocking the last gun ( the M95, i happen to be a noob in recon :) ), but lets see, will send a request next time I login :)
Yeah, I am a noob at recon too.... And I refuse to play medic, because I dont like my guns without the scope. And I dont have the patience to wait till I unlock em. So, basically I only play as assault with a li'l bit of engineer thrown in. Nowadays, however, I am practicing my sniper skills. Man, it feels so f'in great when you get a sniper kill..... Anyways, I think that the friends system in this game is broken, cos you should already be my friend. I sent u a request long ago. Do you have any idea how we can use ventrilo or teamspeak 3? I am researching on it. If you know anything about em, please lemme know. :)
i can try this too. though i have started playing this game a lot less since there are no good servers and i have unlocked everything. but 2-3 hrs per day on weekends is a sure thing.
Ok, good to know that you are interested. Why dont you both let me know of the exact time when you can be online this weekend. You can do it by friday, so that I can co-ordinate with both of you. Contact me on my email id, so that this thread does not get cluttered. I think 3 people are good for makin a squad..... :)

If there is anybody else that wants to join in can email me at [kamalgupt a 0] (no spaces anywhere).
i am in .. btw why dont u guys get xfire ? its good im program for ingame chat also . make an id and post here ..
Great... Now we have a squad....

And I dont use xfire because it messes up my mouse settings, as in the dpi settings etc. dont work in game if xfire is running. Weird issue with logitech g500 drivers i think
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