Car & Bike BBC Top Gear - Discussion Thread

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720p has been available from almost same time as the SD print.

Have watched it in 720p myself, would rate 8/10.
Good thing they didn't use a Mumbai cab - Fiat Padmini Premiere. It wouldn't even get off the line.

BAC Mono looked great but if I can ever afford to buy a car in that category I would get the Caterham.

A so-so episode starring a few guys from 'The Concrete Circus'.

Saw the documentary - 'The Real James Hunt' can't wait to see the movie 'Rush'.
It seems in S20 they are over editing the episodes. There is just too much visual-styling imparted to the cut-scenes too much VFX thown in. The producers are trying to dazzle you with lights and camerawork than the actual cars.

Also during the drive tests there some background track constantly playing which doesn't allow you to hear the Vehicle Engine note .. quite disappointing, I don't think it was like this before.
Episode 2 - 6/10

Did anyone see the condition of the Ambassador? Not a dent inspite of all the crashes. That is what I would want to see in my car.
I found the episode to be pretty good. Loved the taxi race and the BBC building tribute bit.

Also more then the Mono it was the Ferrari bit which was exquisite.
Also As somebody complained about too much sound editing well I find the car exhaust sounds pretty good. It could be cause of me using headphones.
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