Best 12" Netbook Models - Suggestions needed

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My friend is on a lookout for netbook and need some best options available in market.

So, all the experts please pitch in and give ur valuable suggestions. I havent been in the hardware scene for long, so consider me a n00b

The one I have been interested in so far, is Asus Eee PC 1215B

Its comes around 1200 Ringgit ~ 18000 INR

Any other better options are really welcome
HP Dm1z is the best Netbook below 25K

Add RAM, and upgrade HDD if required later..

Else, ASUS X53 , is great..

Strictly 18K means, check for HP mini With Dual core N550 processor..
HP DM1Z has been ruling this category for a really long time now. I have recommended this Netbook to so many people and they are all extremely happy with it. I am myself waiting for an upgrade from AMD so that I can finally leave my EEEPC 1000H.
The newer Dm1 from Hp is probably the best bet if you can afford (considering the budget)


Other than that for the listed budget the links provided above by #guptavis is awesome. So much goodies for such ultraportables is hard to resist.

The only upside of HP is soft touch finish + sleek design/battery. Apart from this the internals are almost same for other listed portables. There is a incremental performance improvements of E450 over E350. So make your choice.

http://www.laptopmag...-late-2011.aspx | http://www.notebookr...k+gaming+4010us

Edit - #baccilus Even I am dying to get hands on this cute little book for my coding and surfing/reading needs. Saving some moolah for it
Yes that is the same new model with refreshed Brazos E450.

I might hold my purchase for Brazos 2.0 with USB 3.0 and complete turbo over CPU/GPU parts. But no specifics are provided.

So is this laptop available anywhere Flip Kart , Lets buy et...I did a sketch search ...but no results for the latest one.

somehow I have more confidence and future proof withintel than AMD....hence little need this upgraded budget is 25k.

^^There is nothing like future proof. But APUs offer more long term benefit given the number of apps utilizing raw compute power (cpu+gpu) rather than focusing more on x86 performance alone. Some rough estimates of the upcoming technology that will be driven by OpenCL and APUs are HTML5, Java, QML.

Yes the ultraportable is available at flipkart

so what you are saying is that we are better off in the ultraportable /portable segment with AMD Apus than the Intel processors?

Did a very basic search apart from half informative WIkiarticle ...did not find much....would be great if you throw some more light.

at the same time Im also looking to buy a laptop with the 35 K range for Graphics Editing as well Moderate gaming purpose ..Size is not a concern.....what do you think will best suit my purpose Intel i5 2nd gen or something from AMD line up?

Sorry for being hyper noob....its only when the need arises that Geek awakes

^^There is nothing like future proof. But APUs offer more long term benefit given the number of apps utilizing raw compute power (cpu+gpu) rather than focusing more on x86 performance alone. Some rough estimates of the upcoming technology that will be driven by OpenCL and APUs are HTML5, Java, QML.

Yes the ultraportable is available at flipkart
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