Monitors Best 17" monitor

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I want to buy the best 17" Full and Flat Square Technology(F&FST) monitor for under 8k.

In digit's review this month, monitors like Acer AC715 best the samsung 793mb with a resolution of 1600*1200@75hz(acer)

Which one should i buy as the acer is priced at 6995 compared to 8000-8100 of the samsung ?
Well 2day I finally received my Philips replacement!!!!
From my experience :
1.No monitor is perfect esp CRTs
2.No brand is perfect ,no model is perfect
3.Try and buy
And almost no 17" CRT will give a perfect image i.e. a slight geometry or colour distortion will likely be present.U'll have to try a 100 pieces to find one close to perfection.
Try to test the monitor b4 u buy-something extremely difficult if not impossible in NP!
well 1600x1200 is kind of useless on 17" monitor. Its too high for 17" and stuff looks soo small that you cant make out anything.
If you ask me then i will suggest philips 107 C6.
its damn good monitor. The clarity and contrast and sharpness is way better than my other LG and viewsonic monitor.
The samsung has good clarity too but the colour reproduction on philips is just too good.
And I dont trust samsung anymore after tons of problems with my old samsung monitor.
Philips monitor i had didnt gave me any problems during last rainy season. My samsung and LG gave blurred pics for 5-10 minutes when they started. No such problem with philips.
And avoid LG all together. it has terrible geometry.
My philips e61 had bad geometry too.And this replacement(the third one mind u)has a noticeable color gradation from left to right.I think that due to the relaxed norms here ,all major manufacturers have sub-standard quality here.Be it LG,Samsung or Philips.
Well depends on the model.
The only two good monitors from philips in 17" range is 107 C6 and C5.
The othe rolder models are not that good.
Philips looks to be the better one when it comes to quality, Out of the 3 monitors Philips 107 C6 looks the most sturdy and better overall quality.
Samsung and Viewsonic are doing great for me too, Viewsonic have a 14 inch since 5 years no issues...
Hi I am also looking for a 15 inch TFT or a 17 inch CRT. Which one will be better? Budget is around 12-13K. I don't want 19 inch CRT as it will be too big for my desk.

Is there any shop in NP, Delhi where I can try out monitors (at least 2-3) before making the purchase.

This is my first post in this forum.

Great Forum and looking forward to have a nice time here. :clap:
Aces170 said:
Welcome Mate, at 12.8 k Samsung 510N is awesome...

Good to know that. Are you using this monitor? What is the resolution of this monitor? I need 1024X768 for my work.

Thanks for the quick reply.
a 17" monitor is on my buying list too -> next month i remember on tech arena everyone was recommending a philips monitor...
Sonnenkinder said:
Good to know that. Are you using this monitor? What is the resolution of this monitor? I need 1024X768 for my work.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Nope I dont have it, but got it for my cousin its a good monitor and it does 1024 at 75 hz....
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