Monitors Best 19'' CRT Monitors

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Hi guys,
I want to buy a 19'' crt monitor.

I have few monitor's in mind & selected one which is viewsonic G90f+, do u think it is a good buy. if no then plz suggest any other monitor having good image quality,resolution ect.

Thanks in advance.
looks good enough with 1280x1024@88Hz, how much are you getting it for ??

Samsung service maybe better though
Both the samsung and the viesonic have got similar specs, only difference is the dot pitch claimed ...0.20 for samsung and 0.24 for viewsonic. I would prefer samsung over viewsonic if priced equally(that's why I enquired the price) just because the service provided by samsung is much better than viewsonic....I've had first-hand experience of the samsung service just a few days back.

@vinyas : I still think 19" samsung 997 magicbright is the best series offered by samsung and so did the other guys in the thread.
G90f is a better monitor, albeit slightly. Maximum resolution is a tad higher (2048x1536 vs 1920 x 1440) and a higher brightness rating over the SS 997. The 'G' series of Viewsonic is hard to find in India and is supposedly of a better quality than their 'E' series. Both VS & SS are good monitors and you should be happy with whichever one you go for. Personally, I own and use 2 VS CRTs dating back 11 years. Still working, being used everyday.
but 2048x1536@60hz would be a strain on your eyes, don't believe that's usable practically. Max resolution that you would be comfortable with on a 19" would be 1600 x 1200...atleast from my experience.
looking @ the overall view of Guys around .... i think i will go for 997 MB from Samsung black...

special thnx to thexfactor & imoen for the Valuable views ....

one Question: 997 Mb is full Flat Right ?
vinyas said:
looking @ the overall view of Guys around .... i think i will go for 997 MB from Samsung black...

special thnx to thexfactor & imoen for the Valuable views ....

one Question: 997 Mb is full Flat Right ?

Yup the 997MB is fully flat, MagicBright is a new feature providing the optimum viewing environment depending on the contents of the image you are watching. Currently four different modes are available: Text, Internet, Entertain, and Custom. Each mode has its own pre-configured brightness value. You can easily select one of four settings by simply pressing the MagicBright control button. It also provides Tv like brightness upto 300cd/m.

No difference between Dynaflat & MB apart from the brightness thing.
thexfactor said:
Yup the 997MB is fully flat, MagicBright is a new feature providing the optimum viewing environment depending on the contents of the image you are watching. Currently four different modes are available: Text, Internet, Entertain, and Custom. Each mode has its own pre-configured brightness value. You can easily select one of four settings by simply pressing the MagicBright control button. It also provides Tv like brightness upto 300cd/m.

No difference between Dynaflat & MB apart from the brightness thing.

@tracebullet - Darklord already sold his monter ... thread is closed

wish i had bought that ...

thnx for the feedback.... i will be going for MB ...Damage 12k :@
Can anyone tell me where can i get Samsung 997mb at laminton road.

I have asked prime abgb & they were not having it, plz recommend me a good shop for purchasing Samsung 997mb.
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