Budget 10-15K best budget android phone


1. Q: Budget?
A: 10-15

2. Q: Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar

3. Q: Preferred display type?

4. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: Any

5. Q: Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen, capacitive.

6. Q: Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: LED Flash.

7. Q: Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android

8. Q: Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: 3G.

9. Q: What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Music Player, Internet.

10. Q: Any other requirements?
A: need for my girlfriend , good design camera and battery

11. Q: If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
A: Galaxy S Advance, xperia u , htc one v , lenovo p770 any
i am so confused today
i saw
1. htc one v ( 12850 ( liked the display and camera )

2. lumia 620 ( Rs 13800 ) ( loved the display , camera, not familar os)

3. Xperia u Rs (10.800) ( Small and cute )

4 Desire X ( rs 13700) (havent used )
Desire X at 13700 is quite a good deal I think but it might not get a bump to latest OS (mixed news on the internet about it). And Lumia 620 has got that x factor (girls find the tiles thing very cute...and it's a serious phone too) minus the wonderful apps that android has to offer. Samsung Galaxy Advance will get an official bump to JB, so that's a good and a VFM phone for about 13K? But it's a drab looking phone compared to DesireX which looks rindonculously HOT!

You're in a pickle buddy. Let the young lady choose. My vote goes to DesireX.
Having used the One V for 6 months, not keen to recommend it. The photos are grainy when you zoom in. A Sony would be better for camera. But if its at 13 k, its a hood deal. The screen is nice , and unlike the xperia U, its bigger and wider so typing is good.
thank everyone guys

one v is out of the question now

i like xperia u a little better coz it has better processor a9 dual core instead of a5 in desire x
ot has front camera too

all i worry now is battery
dont know where to go
lumia i heard battrry is pretty bad
problems with one v are :-
1.the curved lower end is annoying i dont think a girl would like it as would create a bulge in jeans
2.slower processor compared to other
3.no front camera

can any one v user tell me about its battery backup
thank everyone guys

one v is out of the question now

i like xperia u a little better coz it has better processor a9 dual core instead of a5 in desire x
ot has front camera too

all i worry now is battery
dont know where to go
lumia i heard battrry is pretty bad
Again batter life depends on the type of usage.
Like for video playback Lumia 820has dedicated hardware decoder. So it wont consume that much battery. Web browsing might consume more battery. It should be enough for you to last for a day. May be 2 days with frugal web browsing.
problems with one v are :-
1.the curved lower end is annoying i dont think a girl would like it as would create a bulge in jeans
2.slower processor compared to other
3.no front camera

can any one v user tell me about its battery backup

Girls generally keep their phones in their purses :p. But the chin is minor, nothing major.

Processor is slow, but enough for most tasks and RAM is a bit frugal don't expect to play temple run with it, but for most other apps its fine.
FFC is subjective.

I generally found the battery to be decent. Lasts from morning to night with about 50-60 percent remaining, with some basic browsing, some whatsapp for and phone calls. What's the intended usage of her phone ? What kind of apps does she want to use ?
Girls generally keep their phones in their purses :p. But the chin is minor, nothing major.

Processor is slow, but enough for most tasks and RAM is a bit frugal don't expect to play temple run with it, but for most other apps its fine.
FFC is subjective.

I generally found the battery to be decent. Lasts from morning to night with about 50-60 percent remaining, with some basic browsing, some whatsapp for and phone calls. What's the intended usage of her phone ? What kind of apps does she want to use ?

if she used a purse i would have given her my galaxy note bro :p

1. good camera
2. battery life
3. games like temple run and stuff and whatapp and facebook i guess