Best console within 7k

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^New PS2? The latest series is already here.Infact I have the last series that Sony has launched which is the SCPH-9004 series.
akarsh said:
i here that sony is going to release new model of ps2 for India and its true
google it

and about piracy in india we have no choice

even if u want to buy the game half of them will not be here and the games which r there will be in market after 6 to 8 months of release

This would be a good argument if it wasnt total bulls**t.

I currently own a 360, a decent gaming PC and a PS2. While I would agree on the PS2 side of things there are a few titles that wont see the light of the day here, I doubt many people would be interested in those titles. Tell my how many people are lining up to buy Katamari Damcay, Okami, Ico, Klonoa 2 or Killer 7? Hell how many people have heard of these games?

Fact is the PS2 catalog (legal) in India is VERY good. Look for just about any popular title and its available legit.

And as far as the 360 is concerned, I have owned it for over a year and I cant recall the last time I had to wait more than a couple of weeks for any game. Hell Halo 3 was a day 1 release. GoW 2 is supposed to be the same. And Fable. And FIFA 09.

PC market is best of all. Most games get released in week 1. And are cheaper than the western counterparts.

So the excuse "and about piracy in india we have no choice " is just that. You dont want to spend money but legit games and support the industry, fine come out and say it. But dont hide behind that excuse. It would have been right three-four years ago but not anymore.
cellar_door said:
This would be a good argument if it wasnt total bulls**t.

I currently own a 360, a decent gaming PC and a PS2. While I would agree on the PS2 side of things there are a few titles that wont see the light of the day here, I doubt many people would be interested in those titles. Tell my how many people are lining up to buy Katamari Damcay, Okami, Ico, Klonoa 2 or Killer 7? Hell how many people have heard of these games?

Fact is the PS2 catalog (legal) in India is VERY good. Look for just about any popular title and its available legit.

And as far as the 360 is concerned, I have owned it for over a year and I cant recall the last time I had to wait more than a couple of weeks for any game. Hell Halo 3 was a day 1 release. GoW 2 is supposed to be the same. And Fable. And FIFA 09.

PC market is best of all. Most games get released in week 1. And are cheaper than the western counterparts.

So the excuse "and about piracy in india we have no choice " is just that. You dont want to spend money but legit games and support the industry, fine come out and say it. But dont hide behind that excuse. It would have been right three-four years ago but not anymore.

"PC market is best of all. Most games get released in week 1. And are cheaper than the western counterparts."..!

none of the is here in hyd at least
crysis warhead .............................?
cellar_door said:
Fact is the PS2 catalog (legal) in India is VERY good. Look for just about any popular title and its available legit.

True but then there are some good platformer titles like JAK & Daxter OR Ratchet & Clank series which aren't available "legally" either.So it's a complete mixed mash.In short, the choice & variety isn't that huge but most popular titles are available.
Ethan_Hunt said:
True but then there are some good platformer titles like JAK & Daxter OR Ratchet & Clank series which aren't available "legally" either.So it's a complete mixed mash.In short, the choice & variety isn't that huge but most popular titles are available.

Yes they are! Look at your local Planet M or similar. Jak 2, 3 and X are all available. As are the Ratchet & Clank newer ones (Up your arsenal, size matters etc). If you live in a non metro look at ebay.

jak, Sony Playstation, Envelopes Postcards India, Video Computer Games items at low prices on eBay India

Hell even Shadow of the Collosuss is available legally here. And I couldnt find that in London last year.

Plus they are all pretty cheap. 500-700 for 80 percent of the games. The PS2 catalogue is suprisingly large here.
cellar_door said:
Yes they are! Look at your local Planet M or similar. Jak 2, 3 and X are all available. As are the Ratchet & Clank newer ones (Up your arsenal, size matters etc). If you live in a non metro look at ebay.

jak, Sony Playstation, Envelopes Postcards India, Video Computer Games items at low prices on eBay India
Infact I went to Planet M & 2 Croma showrooms recently but didn't find these titles anywhere.I could locate God of War, GTA & Tekken titles but I just told them I was looking for something in specific & as usual they didn't have a clue about JAK or Ratchet titles.When pinning it down to something like WWE Smackdown Here Comes The Pain that too couldn't be located.Heck that is the best WWE title till date for the PS2.This is for a friend of mine who had been gifted an un-modded PAL console.Locating it in stores is a pain trust me.Ordering online is a whole different ball game altogether.:P
Well i think i'll settle for a modded PS2 itself then. Hey ethan could you plz give me the address of the shop from where u got ur PS2 with the 1 year service warranty. As far as im aware, most shops dont offer any warranty at all.
@cellar_door: i have downloaded ICO,,will download OKAMI and killer 7 //also looking for mark of kri,the bouncer, n some other beat m up..older ps2 release are better n definatly worth playing,in current release,,i think yakuza 2 ans starwar unleashed will be great

@Ethan_Hunt : i have seen GOW series,Shadow of the Collosuss,jak series,svr 2007,here comes the pain in local croma here in ahmedabad..however it varies depending on the availability..psp tittles are more thn ps2..for occasional console gameing, india have enough legit console release which are available in almost every metro..REST can be downloaded
by adding 1 or 2k more i recommend gettin a second hand 360 cause PS2 is outdated and not many games are released for it now
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