Best DVD Player for 4.5k

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Lord Nemesis

My colleague is looking to a DVD Player with a max budget of 5k (The lower the better). The Player should preferably have a USB Port to play from Mass Storage media and should also be able to play MP3, DAT, Divx and other common audio/video formats from DVD/mass storage.

I am completely out of touch of this market. Please suggest some good models that meet his criteria.
in my personal experience, if its dvd player you want, go pioneer.. It has by far the best picture quality that i have seen on any dvd player/////
A pioneer might be hard to find though, grey mkt i guess..

For your requirements the lg and samsungs will cost ard 3-3.5k.. But still, spend the 5k on a pioneer, its worth the premium..
pioner dv 420 for aroudn 5k in the grey market is the best bet - substantially nice PQ and decent AQ too. In fact it can double up as a decent budget CDP as well. The in menu system is nice and great blacks. Good vfm - there are LGs and Samsungs and Philips but the Pioneer beats them all.

You can consider the 220 as well but the audio quality is average (in comparision to the 420)
For almost all dvd players available in the market, the upscaling chip is perhaps the only thing that is the most important aspect of it. Pioneers do not retail in the market with warranty and thus grey pieces without warranty is the only go. Philips have some decent players with decent upscalers - I saw the output on a couple of 40 and 46 inchers and the PQ was good. I'd say, drop in at a Croma outlet, play a DVD on the players and decide.
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