Monitors Best LCD TFT!

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Which is better :
15" or 17"
Which brand?

I live in Delhi.

Basic computing,internet,chatting,surfing,text work,office , games on internet,soem other games as well.

Should be around 10,000.

Prices I got from SMC International:
Samsung 15" - 10.2

Should preferably be with speakers.

Pls reply soon.
Best TFT in India at the moment is Samsung Syncmaster 710N.

I have Samsung 710N.. and can tell you that samsung is way better than anything that can be bought in India.

To add to it.. they have lots of service centers just in case :P
techboy said:

Which is better :
15" or 17"
Which brand?

I live in Delhi.

Basic computing,internet,chatting,surfing,text work,office , games on internet,soem other games as well.

Should be around 10,000.

Prices I got from SMC International:
Samsung 15" - 10.2

Should preferably be with speakers.

Pls reply soon.

Buy the Viewsonic VA712 17 inch 8 ms LCD Monitor for Rs. 14000.

It has speakers inbuilt also.
OOps i goofed up!

I meant 713N... that is the new model with 8 ms... viewsonic LCDs are good.. but the support is extremely poor..and should something happen... you wouldn't bet on very good distributor support...

whereas Samsung has its own service centers, a decided customer care line and ofcourse their offices here :P
anand said:
.... viewsonic LCDs are good.. but the support is extremely poor

.....whereas Samsung has its own service centers

This is the exact same conclusion Nilesh of APEX and I came too during our last talk. Samsung service is the BEST.
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