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+1 for Thunderstruck... But my most fave song is "Where the Streets have No Name" and "Walk On" by U2. :)

Also, "Coming back to Life", "Run like Hell' and "Learning to Fly" by Pink Floyd.
Guns n Roses: Paradise City,Welcome to the jungle,You could be mine

Iron Maiden: 2 Mins to Midnights,Powerslave,Rime of the ancient Mariner
umm.. Turn the page, Nothing else matters, unforgiven 1,2 , I Disappear - Gods of Metall(ica) :D

Home, Crashed, Its not Over, Gone and Breakdown :- Daughtry (Alt. Rock)
Flashing Lights - Kanye West!!

You should watch the video it has lotsa metal in that :lol: (the one being used by that lady to kill the guy).
Mother Earth, Our Solemn hour from within Temptation ( gothic Rock )

December, when the water falls from collective soul

Lift Me up , I am waiting , mind drive , universal garden from YES

Brother in Arm , Heavy fuel , sultans of swings , private investigation, romeo and Juliet from dire straits

hanger18 from megadeath

tones from Eric Johnson
Punch Me...I Bleed-Children Of Bodom

Cowboys From Hell-Pantera

Are you Dead Yet?- Children Of Bodom

Painkiller-Judas Priest

Blooddrunk-Children Of Bodom

Tears Dont fall- Bullet for My Valentine

I will Be Heard- HATEBREED


and at least a 100 more!!!!
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