CPU/Mobo Best Motherboard For AMD Atlon 64 X2 6000 + ( 3.0 Ghz )

Can someone please tell me which is the best motherboard that i can go for with an AMD Atlon 64 X2 6000 + ( 3.0 Ghz ).....
Could someone also suggest me an appropriate Graphix Card to go with it....
what is your budget?

go for a 780g chipset based board (4.5-5k). The gigabyte board is supposed to be the best, but the options from Asus and MSI are not too bad either.

the 780g has onboard graphics and supports hybrid crossfire, so go with an ATI 3450 if you want to use that, or go for any faster card for serious gaming.
roman1627 said:
Well my budget for the MOBO is 5 to 6k.......
What about the Graphix card....how much will that cost me....

Do you game a lot? What is your budget for a graphics card?

If you dont really game much, then stick to the onboard graphics, it should be more than enough :)

A 3450 should cost less than 3k, and the current favorite card is the ATI 4850 which will cost approx 11k, but you will need a really good SMPS to power it.
I am planning to shell out some good amount of cash on the Graphix card like somewhere around 11 to 12k....so please suggest keeping that in mind
why do u want x2 6000+ , get E7200 + p35 mobo , it beats 6000+ on stock and can be overclocked easily around 3.6ghz . get a HD 4850 for 10k + corsair VX450 if u dont have good psu
Well i am opting for AMD as its cheaper.... and its well within my 11k MOBO+Procc Budget...where as if i go for a Pentium it will cost me more and overshoot my budget.....
So you don't have the cpu with you? Then you're going about this the wrong way. State your total budget (for cpu, mobo, gpu, psu, and anything else you need), as well your general usage.
roman1627 said:
Well i am opting for AMD as its cheaper.... and its well within my 11k MOBO+Procc Budget...where as if i go for a Pentium it will cost me more and overshoot my budget.....

Why X2 ??? If you really want to go for AMD then why not Phenom ??

Phenom Quad 9550 + Asus M3N-VM DVI costs around 11.5k and beats the 6000 hands down !!!!
dont go far amd as; as soon as overclocking comes in to picture ..u will besically start to curse it for not able overclock to better level.......get e7200 or even e5200.....then get any good mobo as p35 ...then overclock.......
not really.. as long as you aint looking at very high oc's..

is your total budget 12k? or can that be changed a bit?

i would suggest you get a psu+mobo+board for now.. and get a nice aftermarket cooler after maybe a couple of months
Well i can shell out a max of 14k...but i would first like to know more about the Combo that you might be suggesting.........and i do have a Iball Gaming Cabinet which comes with a 400w PSU..... wont that suffice as a decent PSU....or do i need to go for higher wattage.....
a power supply's quality is not defined by wattage alone.

there are a lot of other factors such as the quality of the internal components used, the conditions under which the wattage ratings have been arrived at etc.

Since you ARE putting in 14k for cpu+board, i would suggest that you get yourself

e7200 for around 5.5k

and the MSI P45 Neo F for around 6.5k

that leaves you with 2k for a decent power supply.. 2k is a lil tight for getting the most common/best recommendation for a budget psu(that would be the Corsair 450VX, but it costs around 3.2-3.4k),, i guess you could get a Coolermaster 460w extreme for around 2.1k.. or one of the FPS psu's listed on primeabgb.com

wait for the others to comment on the powersupply.

another thing you could do is get an Abit IP35E for about 5.5k.. with the money saved, you could get the 450vx

saale.. xbox kab liya be?
Ok now that i am going for a better Sys it makes sense to shell out a little more so that i have room for serious upgrades in the near future.....now that i have finally narrowed down to ->

Proc - Intel e7200

MOBO - MSI P45 Neo F

PSU - Corsair 450VX

But my only concern over here is whether the PSU will fit inside my Iball Gamer Cabinet....as it looks a bit hefty for my Iball Rig.......