Best place to sell old NCERT and JEE books?

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What's the best place I could sell my old books, except for OLX, already posted an ad there. Is there some website/service that specializes in this?
Recently faced a similar situation, Had engineering books from 2000-2015. Nobody was interested in these when I went to my city's book market to sell them off. Someone finally offered me 350/- for a lot of about 20 books. It was either that or kabadiwala which would have given me about the same (or less).
So if nobody is interested on OLX, chances are they don't really have value in the market anymore and you should just go with the first offer you get if you want to get rid of them.
What's the best place I could sell my old books, except for OLX, already posted an ad there. Is there some website/service that specializes in this?
Go to a xerox shop which are close to colleges and try there?

If you can, donate it to a government library.
I second @valar007's suggestion of donating it to a library either to a government one or an NGO where someone will get to use them. I'm not sure where you are located but in Mumbai. I've donated to Ratnanidhi charitable trust a couple of times. I'm not sure if they pickup from outside Mumbai. They arrange for the pickup, but you'll have to pack them, they'll inform you about how to pack, how much weight in individual boxes etc.
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