Best PMP from MP4Nation??

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I remember Amarbir Paaji mentioning that he can source items from China. So, if the PMP is available at newegg China at cheaper rate, and if it works cheaper to get it that way (will involve shipping + other charges, I suppose), it may be worth to start an IC.
dennis_nail said:
I remember Amarbir Paaji mentioning that he can source items from China. So, if the PMP is available at newegg China at cheaper rate, and if it works cheaper to get it that way (will involve shipping + other charges, I suppose), it may be worth to start an IC.

that would be just great:hap2:.Is Amarbir listening?:)
^^ PM him and ask.

Yes the PMP would be cheaper if bought from newegg china.

Consider the Nationite OS-72, selling as Teclast M50HD in the chinese market is available for 500 RMB which is around 3500 rupees and an additional 40 RMB (280 rupees) for the cable and remote kit.

The other options to buy in China are

For people here in China, the best part is that these websites offer Cash on Delivery at little or no extra costs.
raptor3624 said:
as far as I know.. rmvb files are smaller in size.Lot of tv series on the net are available in rmvb so that they can be watched in PMPs.Haven't found such a huge difference in video quality when I downloaded and watched Entourage seasons.

Yeah you are right. The best part about rmvb files is their size. They are almost 1/3 the size of a similar avi file and is almost of the same quality.
I watched the entire Scrubs series till season 7 in rmvb format. The 8th season i watched it in AVI format.
i also watched DragonBall Z in rmvb format. It came in 10gb. A similar series in AVI format is around 30gb.
Amarbir still hasn't replied to my PM for the quote to Teclast from Newegg China.We'll get a better perspective of the price after he replies.
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