Car & Bike Best way to listen to music in car ?

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No point having expensive infinity speakers when im only listening to poor quality radio. Is there a high quality stream of these radio stations available through net ? I like 104.4 and a few more which have less ads.

Also any way to offline store streams of recent and good music ? net gets sometimes patchy so it ideally have a big buffer atleast if through apps. Saavn etc are always playing in office and i think they play the same boring songs always, no variety.
I have completely stopped listening to FM radio in my car due to those annoying ads running 50% of the time. These are some much better ways to listen to music such as:

- Wynk music - for those times when you know what you want to listen. Just stream or even save offline for listening without using data. Songs are 320kbps. For airtel subscribers it is free.
- Radio streaming on Gaana app - This one requires internet full time but the quality is great. They broadcast next to no ads. Try Campus radio, International hits, mirchi top 20, meethi mirchi radio stations etc.
- This one is my favourite... Download Podcast Republic and listen to podcasts like The history of India podcast by Kit Patrick (must), TED Radio Hour, The $100 MBA Show and How I built this.
- Recently I have also started to watch Friends videos on YouTube while keeping the phone on my speedometer console. Best time pass of all but do this only in bumper to bumper traffic :woot:
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I have completely stopped listening to FM radio in my car due to those annoying ads running 50% of the time. These are some much better ways to listen to music such as:

- Wynk music - for those times when you know what you want to listen. Just stream or even save offline for listening without using data. Songs are 320kbps. For airtel subscribers it is free.
- Radio streaming on Gaana app - This one requires internet full time but the quality is great. They broadcast next to no ads. Try Campus radio, International hits, mirchi top 20, meethi mirchi radio stations etc.
- This one is my favourite... Download Podcast Republic and listen to podcasts like The history of India podcast by Kit Patrick (must), TED Radio Hour, The $100 MBA Show and How I built this.
- Recently I have also started to watch Friends videos on YouTube while keeping the phone on my speedometer console. Best time pass of all but do this only in bumper to bumper traffic :woot:

Airtel user here, they have started annoying ads every 3 songs or so. Switching back to my Google Play collection.

I would agree with Gaana and podcasts. Would suggest to not do the friends thing as the police are on the lookout for some excuse to fine you...
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