^Thanks for the details. First lets me focus on the competition part. I'll discuss with gannu and meph and post back here on how to take this forward by tonight.
^Thanks for the details. First lets me focus on the competition part. I'll discuss with gannu and meph and post back here on how to take this forward by tonight.
^Thanks for the details. First lets me focus on the competition part. I'll discuss with gannu and meph and post back here on how to take this forward by tonight.
I'm in. Btw Indian servers are down as of now right? By the way many of the Indian servers are empty 24x7. I suppose we could contact an admin and ask him if we could borrow his server for a few hours.
OT: Guys BF3 need more publicity. If you guys get time, go to the IGC and request the organisers for BF3.
take your time..BTW one day is up
...I think Aman is preparing something...Saw one of his drafts somewhere....
Also because it is simple and funCOD4 was the last game that can be played on LAN? but most guys still want to play CS 1.6? because the h/w demand is not so great?
#Infected and others too-
there is one query?
Have you ever encountered a situation where the very same servers that usually give low ping times of 70ms approx are as high as 250ms-270ms or higher on some days?
Happened to me quite a few times, esp on weekends.
Any idea why?
I feel my connection quality is good with SG or other SEA servers than Indian servers... maybe because of quality of local infrastructure and servers ?