Bhaag DK Bose From Delhi Belly - Did U Like it??

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Hindi Movie & Music Discussion Thread

Finally...Something worth Listening To amidst all that noise of Recent Hindi Music
From The Grungy Look,till the Guitar Bashing...The Videos watchable too..Maybe this is the first time in a Hindi Song i saw that the guitar actually connected to an amp :)

Trust Amir Khan to come Up With Something Like This..Way to go Rancho !!
Bhaag DK Bose May Very Well be The Next Aal IZZ Well

A Few Facts : 
1. It was the film writer Akshat Verma who came up with the idea of using the key phrase DK Bose. Director Abhinay Deo and producer Aamir Khan thought that since the catch phrase went with the young and irreverent theme of the film, they gave their nod.

2. Amitabh Bhattacharya then wrote the song’s lyrics, also targeting the youth. Sample these gems: Yeh bheja garden hai/ Aur tension maali hai// Mann ka taanpura/ Frustration mein chhede ek hi raag// Bhaag bhaag DK Bose DK Bose DK Bose.

3. Ram Sampat composed and sung the song in a grunge rock style, which is again very unique to what we have seen in the recent years in Bollywood, comparisons to Ranbir Kapoor’s Rockstar notwithstanding.

4. After Aamir and the crew heard the final number, they liked it so much that they decided to use it as the theme song of the film. They also decided that this would be the first song to be released as a part of the film’s promotional campaign.
Bhaag DK Bose - The Secret Behind The Song

Bhaag DK Bose - The Secret Behind The Song

5. Kiran Rao directed a special music video on the song, where Imran Khan is seen sporting a very different look. Also accompanying him in the music video are Vir Das and Kunal Roy Kapoor. We think the video rocks. At least, the actors had fun shooting the same. Just look at how happily they trash their guitars!

6. So much was the importance given to this video that Imran Khan especially learnt to play a few guitar chords, just for the shooting of the song!

DK Bose Meaning :P
A few things I wanted to do after watching the video :

1. Punch Imran Khan's annoying whiny face

2. Set fire to the drummer's beard

3. Give the afro guy a swirlie

Oh, and smashing the instruments was such an original idea; almost as original as Akshat Verma coming with the DK Bose catchphrase.
It's a catchy song but way overrated. Imran Khan and especially that other dude look like idiots holding the guitar.
I liked it, i mean i feel its pretty much innovative to bring out such song not being under ground. And it has pulled a large number of audience with this song. Many will watch Delhi Belly just because of this song.
It's catchy, no doubt. A majority of the people like this song just because it's different and it involves the use of an insulting term. :O
the DK Bose thing is completely taken from the movie 'Kya Kool Hai Hum' which was one lame-ass movie.
Haven't seen the video but the song is real irritating. Its just like that ages of yore when - 'boyz' in their cars with Sony Xplode doing car-o-bar :beer:- used to go berserk if the word "sexy" was used in a song...:cursing:
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