^^ Let the economy go to the gutters, concentrate on defence, which India is good at anyways.
To improve the economy, requires good data. How do you know what to fix or gauge the effects of any changes. So Modi already announced a change in his commencement speech, combining the CSO with the NSSO. Ideally this org will improve its data quality and present it to parliament in a neutral transparent manner so we can have honest discussions on the topic. Currently either side is free to make up what every arguments they want and use rhetoric. We have world class statisticians but third rate data. Whatever the RBI does only affects 40% of the economy because the data does not account for the rest.
The next question is whether an emerging market democracy is willing to undertake reforms when needed or only when it has its back to the wall. History suggests the latter. When the problem is bad, reforms have a more visible effect. Structural reforms such as GST don't show any tangible results immediately but nobody doubts their value over time.
Anytime reform is announced the question is who the winners and losers are. You would think doing steady reforms when losers are less would be the key but i don't know whether it works that way.
There are many suggestions as to what Modi should do here. We will have to see what is decided and then track it.
And how much effective Amit shah would be, that only time will tell. Time and again this administration has shown that its more talk and less substance.
He intends to get the NRC implemented. That is going to be quite a fight. As far as internal security goes he will be on top of it.
I wouldn't put faith in social media for anything. It suffers from same problem as our media. The problem of opinions masquerading as news. Add to the fact that social media is an open for all buffet, so anyone agreeing with Modi is a bhakt and opposing side a nationalist, tensions will flare and never arrive at a rational judgement.
You could even say that about some particularly boisterous sessions in the assembly
Don't discount the social media era. Modi realised this early and tailored his communications to exploit it. He even went old school with radio.
There are lots of things Modi government can be criticized for. Demonistation was an ill-thought plan and put a hard break on growth. While GST remains a great plan the implementation left lot to be desired. Instead of focusing on important issues like these, the ideological arguments like rise of Hinduism etc takes focus away from important issues.
Was thinking how to put a positive spin on notes ban. Since there is no way to do it rationally, i will attempt to do it laterally...
Note ban showed people were willing to put up with some pain and still forgive him after. This means reforms that also entail some pain become feasible and less politically risky.
The ideological arguments will continue, the hardliners are the most disappointed in this regard. They got a heavy dose of lip service