Linux BJP to Support Open Source Software

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As part of the National Democratic Alliance poll agenda, the Bhartiya Janata Party has pledged to use software based on open standards -- or open sources -- in all government-related matters if it comes to power.

Highlights of the 30-page IT Vision Document:

  • Multipurpose National Identity Card (MNIC) with unique Citizen Identification Number (CIN) for every Indian citizen in 3 years; to replace all other identification systems.
  • 1.2 crore new IT-enabled jobs in rural areas.
  • 1 crore students to get laptop computers at Rs 10,000.
  • Interest-free loan for anyone unable to afford it.
  • National Digital Highway Development Project to create India's Internet backbone, and Pradhan Mantri Digital Gram Sadak Yojana for last-mile access even in the remotest of villages.
  • Broadband Internet (2 Mbps) in every town and village, at cable TV prices (less than Rs 200/month).
  • All schools and colleges to have Internet-enabled education.
  • 100% financial inclusion through bank accounts, with e-banking facilities, for all citizens. Direct transfer of welfare funds, preferably to the woman of the house.
  • Every BPL family to be given a free smart mobile phone, which can be used by even illiterate users for accessing their bank accounts.
  • Number of mobile subscribers to be increased from 40 crore at present to 100 crore in five years. Internet users to equal mobile subscribers. India to equal China in every IT parameter in five years.
  • Video-conferencing to be made affordable and universally accessible.
  • A primary health centre in every village to be linked to the National Telemedicine Service Network. Basic health insurance scheme for every citizen, using the IT platform. Cashless hospitalisation.
  • India's ranking in the United Nations' Human Development Index, which is currently 128, to be improved to 50 in five years, with the long- term objective of bringing India within Top Twenty by 2020.
  • Massive expansion in the use of IT in agriculture, rural development, SMEs, retail trade, and informal and unorganised sectors of economy.
  • National e-Governance Plan to cover every government office from the Centre to panchayats. The 'E Gram Vishwa Gram' scheme, launched by Narendra Modi [Images] in Gujarat, to be implemented nationwide.
  • Government spending to be made corruption-free.
  • A former Prime Minister once said, "If I put Rs. 100 in the pipeline in Delhi, only Rs. 15 reach the end beneficiary." In contrast to Congress governments' Leaky Pipeline, the BJP's IT Pipeline will ensure 100% benefit to people. Those who misappropriate public funds will be punished.
  • All post offices to be converted into IT-enabled Multi-Service Outlets. All telephone booths to be upgraded to Internet kiosks.
  • Citizens will have a simple 1-800 BSNL Toll Free Number, which will be accessible 24x7x 365 days of the year, to contact their Member of Parliament.
  • e-Bhasha: National Mission for Promotion of IT in Indian Languages.
  • Special focus to bring women, SC/STs, OBCs and other weaker sections of society within the ambit of IT-enabled development.
  • Use of IT for the protection of India's priceless cultural and artistic heritage.
  • Government to standardise on 'open standard' and 'open source' software.
  • Domestic IT hardware industry to be aggressively promoted to minimise dependence on imports.
  • Domestic hosting industry to be promoted to minimise international bandwith charges.
  • An independent body, Digital Security Agency (DSA), to be set up for cyber warfare, cyber counter-terrorism, and cyber security of national digital assets.

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Even If BJP, Fullfils 50% of the above given promises given in 30-page IT Vision Document, I would be happy:ohyeah:
Broadband Internet (2 Mbps) in every town and village, at cable TV prices (less than Rs 200/month).

manu1991 said:
Broadband Internet (2 Mbps) in every town and village, at cable TV prices (less than Rs 200/month).


Its already there, offered by BSNL but not unlimited like Cable TV. Only the prices match.. :P
Multipurpose National Identity Card (MNIC) with unique Citizen Identification Number (CIN) for every Indian citizen in 3 years; to replace all other identification systems.

That would be real helpful!
Whoa.. thats some ambitious stuff there.. wonder if they'll manage to fulfill even 10 of those if they were to come to power.

at the very least, we now know whom praka123 is gonna vote for :P
Wishful thinking. BJPs just trying to get the net-savvy youth vote really really hard, nothing else. personally speaking of course, but I never trust a promise released just before election time :P
This is a very old news :P They already adopted OSS a year ago :P I read similar article on [now overtaken by Linux foundation] therefore can't post the link..

Anyways way to go BJP :D I hope congress follow the trails too :) It just saves money and software can be created/ported to any platform..
Late Prmod Mahajan put (or tried hard) MS Windows & other products in EVERY PC of GOVT. when BJP was in rule. Something really gone BAD with BJP in MUHURT for this ELECTION... I have NO HOPE for BJP to come in to ....
Party Monger said:
cant anyone see the big ADVANI ad on this page at the top?

Put 2 and 2 together guys..we're not so naive, or are we?

we all have adblock enabled for avoiding advani:P
They do seem to be going out of their way to promise the sky isn't it.

Are any of those promises a reality in currently ruled BJP states ?
Sorry ,this time I will be voting for Kerala Congress or CPI(communists).there is nothing called BJP in My State -Thambi stalker(நீ தமிழ் தானெ?) -neither popular front of India too.
blr_p said:
They do seem to be going out of their way to promise the sky isn't it.

Are any of those promises a reality in currently ruled BJP states ?

Lolz.... Only promise that any Political party will fulfill to some extent are

1) Giving Rice @ Rs.2/- a KG
2) Free TV/ Mobile to poor.

Apart from this do not expect anything from anybody.... :rofl: :rofl:
prakashan said:
there is nothing called BJP in My State

How is this possible :huh:

i realise commies fiddle around to decrease competition ie choice but how can they prevent a national party in your state
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