Blackberry 8520 Unlock....

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Hi.. Just purchased a BB curve from my friend, its locked to Airtel, How to unlock this? is it a big task? has done unlocking and jailbreaking the iphone... how to do this one? is there risk of bricking the fone? pls share ur views...

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Download the firmware of any vendor but ensure that it is the latest version. Before installing you will need to delete a file named vendor.xml or something. That makes the phone unlocked after the firmware flashing is done.
Mohit said:
Download the firmware of any vendor but ensure that it is the latest version. Before installing you will need to delete a file named vendor.xml or something. That makes the phone unlocked after the firmware flashing is done.
done that i hardly took 5-10 minutes but still the phone is locked :-(
buddy this wouldn't have worked .. m dead sure .. its just for updating the FW nothing else ..

to check the status : go to options<advanced<sim< type mepd .. if the network is active then its still locked otherwise for unlocked it would have shown disabled

Your best bet is contact Airtel : .. tell them ur imei, pin , subscriber details and they'll get back to u with the code in 5 days ,and its FREE.. hope all this helped.
You will need to insert a SIM with BIS / BES activated for the firmware upgrade i guess.

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Coz even i was unable to update firmware without a BIS sim card.
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