Blackberry might be banned in India

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Bah. 90% of the terrorists can't read or write, let alone use a blackberry.

Going OT: There is something known as planning and logistics and 99% of that is done via the medium you just mentioned.

Your assumptions about the terrorists is again mistaken.
As far as secuity goes - a little known fact is that the US govt has the decryption key to EVERY software that comes out the US .. so as someone mentioned, that is NOT the way it works in the west.

Wow. It is people like you who start conspiracy theories. Do you know that there IS no single encryption key for an algorithm? At least, none of the commonly used algos have any master key provision.
Going OT: There is something known as planning and logistics and 99% of that is done via the medium you just mentioned.

Your assumptions about the terrorists is again mistaken.

Yeah, well I didn't expect a different response from the right-winger. I contend you are wrong. And moreover, even if it was right YOU WOULD NOT be able to stop it by having weak encryption. Mass driftnets wouldn't work - most of these people talk in code so you can't just put in a search string and search through all transmissions. And if you do know WHO to target (i.e. you want to tap one phone), then the Indian police do what they do best - they go and pick up the guy.

Also, go to J&K or the NE and find blackberry wielding terrorists. Also find blackberry wielding naxalites please. Sure, some terrorists use mobile phones. Many of them also talk. Want to cut out people's larynxes?
KingKrool said:
Wow. It is people like you who start conspiracy theories. Do you know that there IS no single encryption key for an algorithm? At least, none of the commonly used algos have any master key provision.

I think what he might be referring to is their inherent ability to crack these encryptions using brute force. Would you agree ?

I'm guessing they use slightly weaker encryption because portables/mobiles are limited power wise in comparison to say a PC.
First tell me,

is DOT able to crack voice chats done over the internet ?

Secondly to the topic, this is nothing but just a strategy to earn some easy bucks by politicians from operators and RIM..
Yeah, well I didn't expect a different response from the right-winger. I contend you are wrong. And moreover, even if it was right YOU WOULD NOT be able to stop it by having weak encryption. Mass driftnets wouldn't work - most of these people talk in code so you can't just put in a search string and search through all transmissions. And if you do know WHO to target (i.e. you want to tap one phone), then the Indian police do what they do best - they go and pick up the guy.

Also, go to J&K or the NE and find blackberry wielding terrorists. Also find blackberry wielding naxalites please. Sure, some terrorists use mobile phones. Many of them also talk. Want to cut out people's larynxes?

lol i was referring to your assumptions without any basis on the education profile of the terrorists. I can safely say you are wrong on the assumption simply cos you ignore the men who plan the attacks. I am NOT in disagreement over the curtailment of internet or mobile services to stop the terrorsts as that's unfeasible and hurts more people than it helps prevent crime.

The concern of governments on the misuse of newer technologies are genuine though, and most are striving to find ways to crack newer mediums so that tracking can be done. Again its not as if all that goes on is tracked. its always done when you know via intelligence that something is up in some area and then you find out whats going on there. Its impossible to screen every conversation, message or email going in and out.
Which is why I say the worry is misplaced. The people who plan it are mostly out of our reach anyway... unless you can convince RIM to handover messages sent in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and China. And if we then have the guts to go in and take them out (why the hell is Dawood still alive?)

In regards to terrorism in India, I am not too worried about technology. The terrorists aren't really using the leading edge in that sense - you have to realize that practically everyone in Indian cities now has a pretty nifty mobile phone. I don't think the terrorists are going to stand out by not chatting on their phones 24x7 ;)

Security agencies really need to work in the background. Notice two key words (WORK and BACKGROUND). Coming out in the open like this helps no one. And if Blackberries worry the security agencies, why have they kept silent for the past two years? Airtel has been offering blackberries for ages.

This clearly has nothing to do with the security agencies. I am pretty sure that a couple of years ago they realized this(spread of blackberries, email etc) was inevitable, and chose not to worry about it. It doesn't affect their main data gathering methods anyway (humint). Some babu in TRAI/DoT must have decided to do this all by himself and claim that there was a security concern.
KingKrool said:
if Blackberries worry the security agencies, why have they kept silent for the past two years? Airtel has been offering blackberries for ages.

Why indeed ?
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