Blackberry Playbook @ 13490

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We received an offer today at work:

Device End User Price (Rs.)

PB 16GB 13490

PB 32GB 15990

PB 64GB 24490

Apparently this is inclusive of all taxes, and that the VAT of 12.5% has been waivered through negotiations with the vendor.

"Offer valid till 31st december"

Edit: Rs.150/- discount has been added on all models.
^ That really isn't any 'offer', as those are the rates suggested by BB. You can get it cheaper online from Flipkart or Letsbuy
^^Actually FlipKart prices are the same as those mentioned, (no view on VAT), plus Flipkart is out of stock.
ayanavish said:
Have ordered one from Letsbuy, not sure what the free accessories worth Rs. 1600 are
My free accessories worth 2.1k (since 32 GB) .. dunno what they are.. Hoping it should be a screen protector + playbook case :S O.o
There's a reason it didn't sell even for 199$ in the US guys.. Just be sure you are aware of all its limitations before you buy it. If your usage isn't bothered by all those limitations, then it's a great deal. If it is, then you'll end up disappointed.
I bought 16GB version from with a discount coupon of Rs.819/-. So, effective price is Rs.12,430/- (with accessories worth 1600).

Now I am planning to cancel my order. If someone in Gurgaon/NCR wants to buy this, let me know before 12:00 PM, I will not cancel this order.
I'm getting it at a local retailer for 13k bucks. But m not able to make a decision bcoz of android thingy.

Can we see d word docs, PPTz n Excel sheets? Also, the BB app player runs the droid apps As demo??

What all is inside the box? Does it have a limitation like iOS of copying files thru the windows explorer?
its been jail broken and able to install run android apps from the market itself which some of the low price android d tablets cant do .its worth the money
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